Current Events: Whip out that Monopoly Money

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)


Uh okay well that's insane.

I tried to confirm this story from other sources but most people are just talking about it vaguely or full on corroborating so I guess this is a thing that actually happened?

Apparently Gonzo Nose himself made an apology video 3 hours ago.

He specifically says the Cobie rumor was a lie but refuses to actually say what he did. lol.
What fun.
Could this be the end of "Choose Rich" Nick?


It all started when some idiot duct taped a banana to a wall and sold it for millions of dollars as a work of art. And the dipshit Justin Sun... ate it. You seriously can't make this stuff up. I call this scene: The Evolution of a Boating Accident.

Speaking of things you can't make up:




The shooter's backpack had Monopoly Money in it.

Much Wow.

This pretty much puts the nail in the coffin on the professional assassin conspiracy theory. Let it rest, fellas, it's a dead theory. You don't murder someone in broad daylight with unique identifiers, ignore all witnesses, and then start making political statements as a gun for hire. This is not an assessment based in reality.

Can you imagine being a detective on this case? Scour the Park and find the backpack looking for the murder weapon and all you get is a bunch of Monopoly Money? Holy shit what is this simulation?


As if the words on the bullets were not a clear enough indication that this is politically motivated, the Monopoly Money is screaming the same message. This is why I said everyone in crypto needs to be paying attention to this revolutionary act. It's Monopoly Money. It's the same damn war we are fighting on the digital side.

Personally I've always been a little shocked that crypto users actually believe we are going to get through this period of history without getting our hands dirty. Wars happen. People in charge do not just roll over and submit at the first sign of trouble. There are already entire countries (like Nigerian citizens) who are breaking the law just by being here. And the crazy shit hasn't even started yet. Not even a little bit.

Lucky for us most people don't fight in wars and just stand on the sidelines horrified as to the atrocities committed. Gonna be an army of armchair experts standing in their ivory towers with idealist commentary. Perhaps one day they will join us here in the real world where real decisions get made.

I consider this moment a little spoiler and foreshadowing of things to come. Definitely looking forward to Trump declaring martial law, that's gonna be pretty fun. I wonder if there's a betting pool for this on Polymarket yet. Make some money while I'm at it, amirite?


So Monopoly Money eh?

Yep, we print it out of thin air and there are people in this world who are willing to kill for it and otherwise sell their souls. I keep seeing this event being referred to as a "cold blooded killing". That's cute. Yeah the head of a company who makes a living rug-pulling the security net that keeps people alive was totally innocent; a company that has more rights than the people it serves, by law. Yes this is totally fair I see no problems with this. How dare anyone risk their own life to throw down against this perfect system. What a coward.

end corporate personhood.jpg

These are not new ideas.

These are very very old ideas that have been in the zeitgeist for decades.
And now as society crumbles (starting with finance and the economy) fresh life is breathed into them. In case you haven't noticed the crypto lifeboats can only save a handful of people. At least half of the population is completely screwed as the decline accelerates. In fact I'm sure crypto in our infinite wisdom will arrive at the perfect time to promise them salvation as we use them for exit liquidity just like the insurance companies do. Because that's how the world works.


I really just can't get over it... Monopoly money in the backpack. Wow. World's gone to hell in a handbasket. And we are just getting started. 2025 going to be quite the thing. Get ready to roll around in the muck with the rest of the pigs. We're getting thrown in the pit whether we like it or not.


I hope the American people react in the same way the people of Seoul did when martial law was declared last week.

I am not good at predictions, but I agree that the next few years are going to be extremely messy. We all know historically what happens when wealth inequality gets outrageous.

Monopoly money? Wow, I think he's getting his point across.

Funny because I saw multiple unironic comments online asking what the killer was trying to say.
Amazing how disconnected people are.

FWIW, references to guillotines and The French Revolution keep showing up in my Twitter feed.

Just a coincidence of course.

That's... intense 👀

Some times I get my news updates from you here on hive and this story just keeps getting more and more wild. What's really wild is how this guy is still out there like what even lol. The world be crazy seriously some times I have to pinch myself and check I'm still awake and realize that might not even do the trick anymore!

Definitely an interesting turn of events. I think it just reinforces what most people think is the case anyway. I was watching some interviews with random people and it is quite interesting how little sympathy there is for what happened.

Yeah on a very real level the unforgiving mob celebrates the violence.
Which is gross but also the guaranteed psychological outcome when things have gotten this bad.

What is more interesting that a lot of US right-wing punditry and social media commentariat is freaking out over their conservative, MAGA or otherwise dependably anti-Biden or anti-woke audience is siding with the left and now we even have "woke right" to enter political vocabulary.

And it is for exactly the same reason why so many of blue-collar and minority people prefered Trump over Harris. "It's the economy, stupid." When it comes to issue of health and money old tribal ideological lines matter very little.

I did hear that woke-right term recently lol I was like wtf are we doing this?
Although I do know a Trumper who's been saying "awake not woke" for years.

I agree, it's definitely sad that someone with a family had to die. I can't help but think of the revolutionary war though and how much we must have been at our limit with all the taxes and stuff. Could this be a new revolution starting?

It very much feels like that is what this person was going for.

This NFT stuff is most times just crazy. A taped banana clocks $6 million. How do explain this to my Grandma?
As for the case of money, the government really dig play this cards to their favor. I mean, how can someone write a paper and go away with your assets?

This was an interesting update as it could affect a lot of people