There are a lot of reasons why Bitcoin can't scale up, but I think a lot of people would be surprised to hear the 'real' reason. The 'main' reason most people are looking at is the tech itself. 10 minute POW blocks that only contain 1 megabyte of information is not a good scaling solution. Terrible even given the exponential demand to use the BTC network.
This is actually a very weird problem to have, because the 1 MB limit was chosen by Nakamoto completely randomly. It's arbitrary unit-bias. He likely never considered that the Bitcoin network would still be stuck at this level and refuses to scale up (on purpose), but that's exactly what has happened.
The reason why the 1 MB limit exists to begin with is because, at the time 1 MB was exponentially more than enough to support the entire network, and not having a limit leaves the network open to attack by bad actors.
The Wash-Trade attack.
Without a limit on blocksize, any miner that solved a block could unleash a devastating attack on the network. This is actually something I only learned about in the last year or two during some of the random research that I do. The way it works is that when a miner solves the hash lottery they are allowed to post the next block on the chain. Anyone who's studied Bitcoin already knows this. But what if that block was full of garbage?
If the miner had malicious intent and there was no limit to how big their block could be, they could proceed to fill up that block with as many junk transactions as they wanted. What if they inflated their block to a Terabyte in size? Then, every node on the Bitcoin network would essentially be force to save this Terabyte garbage block until the end of time. Should this attack happen over and over again, it would be impossible unprofitable for nodes to continue operations and the entire network would essentially be destroyed just because there was no blocksize
But don't operations on Bitcoin have a price?
Oh yeah, I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't the high price of Bitcoin transactions stop this attack from happening? Surely even if each transaction only cost $1 then filling up one block to a terabyte in size would cost the attacker a ton of money! This is actually incorrect for two different reasons.
When a miner earns the right to post a block to the chain, they do not have to process the transactions with the highest fees. On a technical level, the miner can do whatever they want, and if they win the block then they can ignore everyone's requests and leave it blank (empty block attack) or they can fill the block up to the maximum blocksize with garbage wash-trade transactions using accounts they control for zero fee.
Who do the fees for transactions get paid to? OOPS! They get paid to, you guessed it, the miner that won the block. Thus even if the miner was forced to pay transaction fees on the garbage block he'd simply get all the money back after it was posted to the chain.
It's easy to see that the vast majority of security is derived from the process of POW mining. This is why it is laughable when uninformed liberal sheep pop in on the scene and act like it's "a waste of energy", when really they are just barfing up propaganda and have no fucking idea what they are talking about. This is especially frustrating for me personally because, in general, my politics are quite liberal. Radically so even.
This is yet another one of the "not entitled to your opinion" moments (or perhaps even Democracy is Trash). The same people who craft anti-Bitcoin propaganda are the ones creating the most pollution and investing in infinite war and economic slavery across the globe. But I guess that's just par for the course when dealing with geo-political issues. There is no shortage of hypocrisy or manipulation of the data.
The reality of the situation is that Bitcoin and crypto in general are going to solve so many of humanity's problems going forward that there will likely be a period of time where we are just trying to figure out what we should be complaining about next (and coming up short). Crypto is the solution to the energy crisis, not the cause. The solving of the Byzantine Generals Problem was a miracle, a miracle that is exponentially more intriguing by the fact that the genius who solved it is anonymous.
So if Bitcoin can just increase the blocksize and scale up, why don't they?
That is the question, isn't it?
It is the exact reason that the Bitcoin Cash fork was created. The Bitcoin community split over this issue that should not have been controversial at all.
Conspiracy theorists will tell you that Blockstream (main Bitcoin development team) stopped it from happening in order to centralize and control the network. The idea here is that if operations on the main chain are expensive then Bitcoin activity will be outsourced to centralized agents and custodians like exchanges (or other corporations) and the Lightning Network (which is also centralized and very strange).
Blockstream would tell us that they lobbied to keep the blocksize at 1 MB because this actually helps to decentralize the network. If blocksize is low then many more people will be able to run a Bitcoin node on the cheap. The actual truth of the matter is largely unclear, but I'm sure it's really a little of everything, or at least that's the safest guess.
At the end of the day there's really little excuse to not increase the blocksize at least a little bit, and if it were up to me personally I would 10x the blocksize instantly. I bought my computer 5 years ago and my 256 GB solid state drive cost $200 at that time. Today I can buy a 1 TB SSD for $100. Roughly over the last five years the cost of storage has dropped by a factor of 8, but the max blocksize for Bitcoin is still the same? That's obviously absurd, but yet here we are.
And this is the REAL reason why Bitcoin can't scale.
It can't scale because the toxic community won't allow it to scale. And I wish I was just talking about blocksize, but the Bitcoin community itself is toxic, tribalist, greedy, and hypocritical to the core. It's embarrassing really. Satoshi Nakamoto would be embarrassed to see what a clusterfuck this has become.
Bitcoin maximalist see all other cryptocurrencies as a threat rather than what they actually are, which is a growing network of synergistic entities. Each network is a community, and each community has value they can bring to the table, but Maximalists simply do not care; you're either holding Bitcoin or you're holding a shitcoin. To them: this is the only truth there is; they are delusional.
Just recently at the Bitcoin conference in Florida someone on a panel had everyone in the audience raise their hand if they owned Ethereum and then proceeded to talk trash about them right there to their face.
Oh you gotta leave then; I thought this was a Bitcoin conference.
Like... wow... you idiots.
So really Bitcoin's inability to scale has absolutely nothing to do with the tech itself and everything to do with the community and culture of the network (emphasis on "cult"). Spoiler alert: cults and tight-knit toxic communities do not scale. Period the end game over. You lose bitcoin; only a matter of time before first move advantage is gone.
And that's fine.
As I've stated before, Bitcoin does not derive value from deflation, it derives its value from security. Bitcoin is not a store of value, but a store of security. By definition, Bitcoin's security will no longer really be required once we achieve mainstream adoption and the legacy economy becomes absorbed by crypto. Why would we need all that security when the thing we are fighting against dies or becomes co-opted by us? Think about it.
At the end of the day, the actual purpose of Bitcoin has become extremely ironic. In the context of a network that specializes in security, we need the highest security for the biggest transactions. And who needs to make the biggest transactions? The rich people. The billionaires. The corporations. The Banks. The governments. Bitcoin is going to be taken over by the very entities it was made to disrupt, and again... that's fine. Once they capitulate and buy Bitcoin, consider them disrupted. The plan was never to destroy them, it was to disrupt them. It's in the name: disrupt. If they are suddenly using Bitcoin that's exactly what happened.
But think about what happens next.
Because if the powers that be accept Bitcoin and are all trying to make their own shitcoins in the form of CBDCs... well then we've really already won. The narrative becomes broken and the conflict of interest becomes overwhelmingly obvious. It's impossible at that point to pass a law that makes Bitcoin or a CBDC legal while keeping other networks/communities illegal. It would be just as easy to make all cars illegal except Ford brand (again, can't happen as there is no way to justify the law).
Bitcoin can't scale, and that's actually a great thing. In fact, it seems like it's all going exactly according to plan. Trickle-Down Theory is in full effect. The entire crypto sphere is the scaling solution. No single entity will be able to take over, which means everything is working exactly as intended.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You talked about the block size debate but seems to have missed that since segwit the space available for transaction is up to a theoretical limit of 4mb, (closer to 2mb)
There has barely been a need for developing and stress testing the lightning network since in the last 4 years the network fees have been around 1sat/bytes (5-10 cents per transaction).
Here's another trustless scaling solution, different but somewhat similar to lighting.
Bitcoin is solid, it's decentralized and it's the more secure and battle tested blockchain of them all. No reason to change it as changing it means restarting from ground zero and retesting everything. Other options can and should take the brunt of the work while bitcoin remains the core gold standard which is what the team said they wanted to do from the start.
It's a growing source of amusement to me that the loudest most maxi Bitcoiners are all gaga over the Lightning network and absolutely sure it will work one day even while calling everything else shit coins and rejecting any significant change to Bitcoin core.
Nice to hear those reason. As I do trade on cryptos and I am bullish in the technical charts of BTCUSDT. But now that I find a strong bearish fundamental from your post, I can be away from a losing trade.
Thanks. Keep making such post sir
Hive is the lightening network
I am not comfortable with the toxic maximalist perspective that people adopt for Bitcoin. While it is already acknowledged by millions of people as "digital gold", their grotesque acts only irritates me. As you stated, they are the invisible barriers in the bright future of Bitcoin.
I also question if we need a "scalable" Bitcoin or not. For me, Bitcoin is valuable not because of its blockchain features but because people attribute value to it for several years.
We have enough scalable projects in cryptosphere. Let Bitcoin be the old but wise guy in the club ✌
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This was the first thing I thought of when you mentioned the fee thing, lol.
Really what caught my attention was the toxicity thing: I remember when I first interacted with BTC about 5 years ago (I was about 14-15y old by that time).
When I started in this world I had lots and lots of doubts, and when I used to ask things relevant to trading or mining many, many (seriously, MANY) messages were too toxic.
Things like "A 15-year-old kid learning about this? Go and scam somewhere else" or "These are not things for people like you to use, go study" were really frequent, I mean, bruh XD
And it's quite disappointing to think that the community is still just as toxic despite all the years that have passed.
I hadn't heard this name for a while, I still remember the debate between whether to do an HF or implement Lightning, and I guess both exist today. What's the deal with it nowadays? Wdym by centralized?
EDIT: commented using leofinance now XD
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree, alts are emerging as our source of liquidity. Bitcoin doesn't need to be. It just needs to be a secure SOV.
All fair points on this.
If we're being honest with ourselves, soon not many would give much attention to bitcoin because it will become too up there for anyone to care, it's already happening with many casing after ALTs, so them maxis can keep up with their shits, but what is being built is bigger than bitcoin itself.
Those BTC Maxis are really toxic. I bet they all get burned brutally by some very low-life Bitconnect at some point and just turned to resentment.
Your post made me look up the Bitcoin Cash chart and they really are down with the bears atm

I think instead of investing in Bitcoin, there are other coins that will do well
This year I really seen Bitcoin go so high, does it mean it has reached its limit?
You're not alone. the entire concept of Bitcoin supremacy sounds utterly absurd to me. The entire crypto community is/should be one, anyone should be able to see that we're better off that way
I always thought that Bitcoin was not a store of value. It just doesn't make sense. But security I do accept, it just unhackable at least for the moment !
Very good point. We don't need Bitcoin to scale. We need the whole crypto space to scale.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This post is very interesting, you have a new follower
This is the key indeed.
Bitcoin is still on heavy bearish trend. I don't think the bullish trend will come soon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bitcoin is still on heavy bearish trend. I don't think the bullish trend will come soon.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Bitcoin scaling is proceeding as I have foreseen
Bitcoin is on a downtrend at moment, it's still a cool chance to accumulate more BTC with few bucks. I take opportunity of every dip on the major coins to accumulate on my decentralized multi-coin wallet from https://atomicwallet.io/, which supports several coins aside BTC.
Everyone is a Bitcoin maxi, some just don't know it yet.
I think the real issue that is developing because of Bitcoin's refusal to change and by extension Bitcoin maxis. They are squeezing all the juice out of the mango. Put another way, most of the value that Bitcoin could have they are literally giving away to all the altcoins they hate, because they won't change.
Go Hive Go!! ⚡
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta