I think POS definitely has advantages in terms of speed, capacity per unit of time and electricity consumption. POW on a distributed network like Bitcoin is theoretically more secure, but the reality of what the distributed network really looks like on bitcoin and Etheteum in this day of mining pools makes the simple pronouncement of POW being more decentralized and thus secure not as bullet Proof a theory as it once was… The POS mining concept of Ethereum has the theoretical capacity to democratize staking and decentralize it making it more secure, but laziness has gottten in the way, as the majority of new POS nodes are choosing to join the new version of POW mining pools called staking pools, which has caused more centralization in Ethereum then ever before and more then exists in bitcoin now. The future of decentralization on Ethereum would be dim, if it were not for the rise of Binance, Polygon, Avalanche or others to distribute crypto investment dollars. But that’s another post.
I think POS definitely has advantages in terms of speed, capacity per unit of time and electricity consumption. POW on a distributed network like Bitcoin is theoretically more secure, but the reality of what the distributed network really looks like on bitcoin and Etheteum in this day of mining pools makes the simple pronouncement of POW being more decentralized and thus secure not as bullet Proof a theory as it once was… The POS mining concept of Ethereum has the theoretical capacity to democratize staking and decentralize it making it more secure, but laziness has gottten in the way, as the majority of new POS nodes are choosing to join the new version of POW mining pools called staking pools, which has caused more centralization in Ethereum then ever before and more then exists in bitcoin now. The future of decentralization on Ethereum would be dim, if it were not for the rise of Binance, Polygon, Avalanche or others to distribute crypto investment dollars. But that’s another post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Pretty interesting topic
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is a very com-located and well thought answer to this question.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta