You might be forgetting that STEEM has gone down in value since the split, as a direct result of the split. And that funds were frozen for days on both chains while things shook out.
You can't cut an apple in half and get 2 apples, unfortunately. There's only so much capital in the Steem-Hive community. How that evolves over time is anyone's guess, but STEEM is already bleeding out, as Hive is "sucking up" a lot of the value.
Like you, I was lucky enough to claim a bunch of HIVE by not voting a certain way here on the Steem blockchain, and by choosing to log in with my private active key to a 3rd party site (a risk). It was a welcome surprise. And if/when Hive splits and forms a new chain, perhaps I'll be lucky/smart enough to get tokens there too. But they do legally belong to the account holder.
Like I said, I've put almost everything I've made in 3 years here into the project, and then some, and I'm willing to give even more of my own funds. This is just an opportunity for anyone who didn't realize they have a pile of HIVE tokens sitting idle. Not everybody on this chain is aware of the politics and economics. Edgar himself, for example, has never logged into Hive. Those tokens could be put into the pump, and there are hundreds of people just like him, some with a lot more Hive.
Instead of shutting down the project as planned BEFORE the Hive split, I see this as an opportunity to end in success rather than defeat.
If you'd like any of your direct donations back, please mention the transaction numbers (or dates) so I can confirm them and give them back.
Doing my best on a shifting chess board here.
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I am really sorry, I usually do not get involved in any confrontation on the blockchain, and I know you have a difficult situation. BUT I do not think you are acting correctly here.
You clearly state that 4777.7 STEEM has been donated to the project. That should really have been in a separate earmarked account.
Regardless of the separate account it is that 4777.7 STEEM that gained your account the equivalent amount in HIVE. It therefore is quite obvious that that HIVE should be allocated to the project otherwise you have personally gained from the charitable donations that people have made. The ethics of that are clearly questionable.
Therefore the total funds for the project should be...
4777.7 STEEM x 0.151 USD/STEEM = 721.43 USD
4777.7 HIVE x 0.243 USD/HIVE = 1160.98 USD
TOTAL = 1882.41 USD
That is more than enough for the pump for @edgargonzalez - yet you are asking people to continue donating.
This does not look good in any way.
Imagine if copy-pasting blockchains (and currencies) could double our purchasing power in USD? We could have finished the project on day 1, with just 20 copies. But it's not that easy. Copying currencies doesn't copy purchasing power.
In fact, if what you're suggesting were true, why haven't we (the Steem/Hive community) thought of it before? Why didn't we just fork, and fork those chains, and fork those, and cash out all the tokens for billions in USD? It doesn't work, that's why. Now that the funds are available, and bridges between them in place, we're seeing deflation in STEEM (and a bit in HIVE as well). Clearly, we haven't doubled our money. Your math is ignorant of reality.
This doesn't look good in any way? Perhaps not to somebody who doesn't understand the math. You're being illogical, not to mention insulting.
Rework the maths with the current prices of STEEM and HIVE and you will still get the result that you have sufficient funds...
4777.7 STEEM x 0.143 USD/STEEM = 683.21 USD
4777.7 HIVE x 0.183 USD/HIVE = 874.32 USD
TOTAL = 1557.53 USD
As you have offered, please would you return the donations I sent from the @adollaraday account, and I will liaise with Edgar directly. You have a record of those donations as you have mentioned them in past posts.
Thank you