
How disgusting Tepco is just dumping all that radioactive waste into the Pacific. Money doesn't compensate for the effects that will have (for generations), but at the very least they should be paying huge reparations to the rest of the world.

For DECADES we've had to say "gold manipulation is hard to prove, but it's happening". Only in the past year or two have we been able to smack down the manipulation-deniers with full force. There's no denying it anymore. Every major mainstream and alternative network has covered the story several times. Anyone who still thinks it's a theory is years behind at this point.

Yeah, and despite the heavy manipulation keeping gold and silver from shining and acting as the canary in the coal mine, it DID go from $10 to $50 in a couple years while you were advocating it, @Drutter.
It's good to promote the blockchain, Hive, 3Speak etc all over! Nicely done ;))

The price of Palladium is exploding right now. Many precious metals are at all time highs. Silver is one of the only ones that isn't!
Lumber is at all time highs, too.
And food costs are shooting up.

Thanks for this video; it finally got me to start buying!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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