Shiba inu profit 400$ from 15 days ago

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hi everyone , i want to talk about shiba inu coin and how i maked profit investing on it .

So two weeks ago i was reading blogs in hive , and some friend of my that i follow him maked a post about shiba inu coin and how its will rise . I didn't had any clue about it but reading he's post with he explains more thing about shiba coin and people who's start to invest on it like elone musk , maked me trust him and i went to binance to buy 100$ of it

This is link of the post

​so now after two weeks waiting shiba inu have hit 0.0000299 when the price was when i bought it 0.0000064 .


Which mean that i maked about 370$ of profit ,and that's i larg money for me to earn it in just 2 weeks doing nothing , i already cush it out because i need it . In countrys like where i live that amount of money is equal to 1 mouth work hard , its equal to teachers salary.

Now i guess am going to look for another coin to invest in , shiba coin will still rise up am sure of it , u can tell that by reading the chart and the changes of price from two weeks ago .


I guess i will wait my friend pain25 to post another blog about some coin that have a future or i will ask him 😅 . Anyway thanks to him am happy , between us i never had a profits more than 20$😆 .

Thanks for reading i hope u all success in what u do .



My opinion was to keep it more longer , but its okay

Yay! 🤗
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