Recently, I create a post about Torum. This is the newest decentralized social Media that will definitely spread over the Globe and especially Cryptocurrency space.
OnTorumyou can post the content and earn free XTM(native token on Torum).
** Let me explain it step by step.**
CLAN ON TORUM is like a Facebook fan page that the users can spread the word related to its perspective. I have just created the Official Clan both Crypto and Fx Trader permit t spread the word about Trading such as Fundamental Analysis, Price Prediction, and all trading strategies.
When you log in on Torum like this is how Clan looks like. If you choose to join the Clan you just click "JOIN" and then you click on CREATE THREAD if you posting a thread. As you are invited to join:" Profitable FX/Crypto Trading" Clan you then post everything related to the Trading environment.
See Image below
The more you stay active on the Clan more XTM you receive. For Example, Before you post a thread the EKVAs are still 0. Once you Post a thread then EKVAs show. Ekvas is for users in which specific clan, like "Profitable FX/Crypto Trading" Clan.
The image below may help you to have the potential acknowledgment of how CLAN works and how to make FREE XTM with.
This is the result each time you create a thread on Torum Clan.
For example: If you accumulate 1000 shards through the content you created on the CLAN you will receive 118XTM.
Like the image below how your calculated EKVAs and shard reward looks like after you post the thread. It means: You stay active on The Clan.
My hypothesis: Joining Torum today you save money for your retirement and build your children's future because the XTM token will empower its users and all worldwide Crypto enthusiasts. Those who hesitate to join Torum(XTM) today will regret tomorrow as you did not Buy BITCOIN in 2010.
If you are not yet Lander on Torum Join the community here
** Keep in mind** 1XTM=0.05USDT ****
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta