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RE: deleted

in LeoFinance2 years ago (edited)

If we could have users like yourself with some influence in the platform speaking against the enslavement of poor users by Hivewatcher, probably we might bridle these thugs.
But I guess we might not going to see that, as these thugs don't look to be targeting influential people but poor small users.


You would be better off creating a new account and following the 'rules'. This is all community driven, and if you behave, nothing will happen. It's not so hard.

I did that. They even put you on blacklist suspecting you were the one behind the old account. I mean how come. These guys are kinda taking it personal. What retards they are.

They think you are @eddiesun, are you? We need some form of anti-abuse on HIVE, I do it myself if I find any but don't hold grudges. I don't like this apology ritual @hivewatchers do, but they are quite thorough otherwise.

I simply asked them. Leave @eddiesun, tell me what did @decoding do? They had no answers.

I don't know man. Cover your tracks better with a new account?

Whats the guarantee they will not stalk you and blacklist your new account as well.
And what did @decoding do, I mean ask them to present an excuse for it, I will have an another account.

If you are the same as the other accounts then that means you are a serial abuser and why would we have a serial abuser on Hive? Regardless of how many accounts you make? Oo

And "ayijufridar" stole an article from an internal University website and posted it as his own (even admits here in this post). Got an offer of appeal but did not bother as he felt that did nothing wrong and was entitled to do such plagiarism.
Both are in the enforcer/pfunk club of mutual admiration where "poor users" (aka abusers) get together to plan how to smear and troll HW.

Yes, it is the same abuser/scammer. Creates new accounts after the previous gets exposed so can keep milking LF.

"aftabkhan10" (Blacklisted for plagiarism fraud. Recently reactivated for AI Fraud.)


"explorepakistan" (Blacklisted for plagiarism fraud)


"eddiesun" (Blacklisted for plagiarism fraud)

Then created these to circumvent the blacklist.


Leave @eddiesun, tell me what did @decoding do?

Thinks that creating a new account is a get our of blacklist free card.

What an utter idiot.

It is you the thugs stalking people. It looks like you thugs don't have anything else to do but to stalk. Get a life retards.
@explorepakistan is me? What non sense. Just answer me, what did @decoding do?

As they say, A dirty fish spoils the whole pond. You thugs under the umbrella of selfmade police Hivewatcher are that dirty fish spoiling the whole Hive platform.

You are no more.
Users on the platform have already started to look into your vicious attacks on poor users and hurting this platform.
You thugs are getting unpopular.

And yeah, keep stalking. As you guys have nothing else to do but to stalk, so you might find me somewhere else as well.
Lol. What a bunch of stupid retard thugs.