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RE: Chained to Past Actions

in LeoFinancelast year

Hmm. If Hive went to $10 I'd feel fantastic and I'd probably start taking some out, or at least moving it to a stable coin to secure the gains, but I'd still be here pumping out my daily posts. I enjoy the writing process. So if Hive stays at a quarter for the next 10 years, or if it gets up to $10, I'd still be here.

That's like the lottery question. If you won the lottery jackpot, would you quit your job? Most people would say yes, and I'm sure that is part of the reason most lottery winners end up broke within a few years. I would, boringly enough, stick the winnings in some good investments (I'd probably hired a good accountant to do this for me) and continue to work and write on Hive as if nothing had happened.

In other words, the security of knowing I don't need to worry about money anymore would be beyond wonderful, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying what I do now.


I'd feel fantastic and I'd probably start taking some out, or at least moving it to a stable coin to secure the gains,

That would be the time, right? :D The worry is, how much to sell, how much to keep - what if it goes to 20...

I am with you on the lottery. Unless it was an obscene amount, I would likely just keep doing what I do - investing it away.

In other words, the security of knowing I don't need to worry about money anymore would be beyond wonderful, but that wouldn't stop me from enjoying what I do now.
