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RE: Compound Interesting

in LeoFinancelast year

Interesting topic. That goes well with my post today about learning. Learning compounds as well if we keep at it and especially if we keep adding to it.

This can lead to passive gains, as some behaviors can become codified habits

I'd say this is really the biggest power of doing things repeatedly. When they become habits we no longer have to dedicate as much mental effort to doing them. Win! Passive gains are the best gains, eh? Not just in passive earnings on our crypto holdings, but passive actions gained from our habits.

This also means that if one doesn't want to lose it, there is a pressure to deliver what is worthy of the audience, which is a challenge in and of itself, especially if narrow in topic

Unfortunately this can be a double-edged sword. So many professionals find themselves in that trap where they are afraid to experiment with something new because they don't want to risk losing their audience. I see this in photography circles all the time.

Small actions, small improvements, compounding. There is a fairly popular book, Atomic Habits, that talks about all this. Good stuff!


I liked that book! Including the kind guidance of my man @rubencress, I’ve been on a creative tear since studying it. The confluence is uncanny sometimes.

One thing we can do for all of our life, is learn.

Passive gains are the best gains, eh?

Absolutely. Which is why we have to actively try to ensure that the habits we make, are good ones.

And yes, you are right about professionals in this regard. It is like being typecast into a role and then there is an expectation that that is all one can do.