Thanks for the write up. I have your other Hive SQL posts bookmarked and intend to get to them eventually.
SQL is one of those things that I've been learning in bits and pieces since I was in university 20 years ago. My university didn't teach any SQL classes and I had plenty of other things on my plate so I never got around to teaching myself, then work and family happened and there was always something getting in the way, but it's been something I have always explored here and there every now and again.
I know it would be very useful for me to learn and use. I have a massive collection of text files managing all my haiku and haiku translations (if you've never seen one of my posts, I've been the haiku guy on Steemit/Hive for the past 5 years). I have them all linking to each other in a kind of web-like structure so it works better than you might think (using an app for this), but I guess managing this with a database would be far more effective.
I'll check out the two courses you list.
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