Be the Change.
Reflecting that back to Hive. We have how we interact with the chain or it does with us. Then the witness who exaggerate how great everything is. (Not exactly true, but could not resist the temptation.) There are people who struggle in every country. None are exempt. The same is true here for Hive.
It is hard for me here in Ireland to comprehend the value of 1 US Dollar. In a normal circumstance I look at it on a 1 - 1 value of the Euro. Not that much of a difference over all. A litre of milk cost €1.5 here and it cost $1.5 when I was in the US years back. Basically the same value. The price was about the same for bread and a bottle of cola too. Not much difference. And the shopping grocery cost always seemed higher than it should be.
But then, I have met people here online. One friend who in particular writes to me through a translator on google. In his country $1 is valued with a much higher purchasing power. That value I find hard to comprehend. When $1 would not feed me here for one meal. The same amount can do so much for another. I would like to say I have not sent this person any finance, I do not send out HIVE to assist people. I did help in a game though which helped him grow and his game provided a return for him. That little bit of help, he still expresses gratitude for. He is working a small farm now and I hope that goes well for him. (Selfish, I was promised some fruit should I visit lol). I continue to help out with the game where I can. Though his efforts are more with the plants right now than the game. Rightly so too.
There is positivity that comes from the chain. I have never been one to say it has not. Above, is not the first time I have been witness to other's gaining a shoulder to lean on too. There have been many times. Sometimes even myself.
The negativity that is there. We turn it and use it to an advantage. I won't go into that here. I have two years of post's talking about the negative aspects already.
Change does not mean to change everything. It also does not mean that the change should happen instantly.
There are a few things I would like to see re-arranged on the chain. I think these things provide a better environment for everyone on a few different levels.
Rewards increase for blogging, reward increase for witness and a greater funding for development.
Yes that can be done.
All the changes I would like to see rely on the people here now on the blockchain agreeing to work together for long term goals. It is not something there should be an end to. It should be in the arena were growth is possible and if possible even virgin. A new community of people agreeing to work on the same project would be needed. I can see the need for a baker dozen people needed for this to begin. And the creation of the End User. ("End User" is not the same as a "use case".)
The governance of the blockchain would not be of concern. Governance of, how what we create is managed needs to be discussed and for more than just an hour.
Ideally, twelve people for governance and myself. Additionally an extra three people as an oversight committee. People paid to find if any shenanigans begins. All this would be done pro-bono and the rewards for efforts come later as things begin to grow. Nothing from the direct funding of a project like this should go to anyone's pocket. Remuneration for any time of finance into a project like this would come from what is generated through the project.
In this manner there is no administration costs to be covered for setting up. The initial set up would be done for no rewards. Those would come later. The first chance of a small return, 6 month to a year. (and then to be laughed at.) In doing this we begin to create the "End User".
Maybe I should do a post describing the end user. I seem to lose people when I mention that. The end user is the recycling machine at the end of the line. We do not have that on Hive.
A similar system might be adapted for the main chain should this prove to be successful.
Bringing forth some journalism to the chain might be nice too. And a music front end maybe a film buff front end. It does not matter what the front end is for. They could all work on their own tag and still under the umbrella of Hive Media. Hive media is just something I thought. Whoever would run a media outlet on the chain can call it what they like. Some of those positions that could be held I believe do not need to be rewards to a post for compensation. We can have the chain or more precisely, the support we build for the chain cover the costs of this labour.
Not everything has to be funded for eternity by the DHF. As time carries on, what the DHF is able to fund may very well diminish. What then? What about times like now when the fund is getting used for other means? Should everything else have to pause because we can no longer cover the cost of a developer or coder?
Let's change Hive into what it could be. Let's move a little away from the commonality of all blockchains and the concentration of code and tokens.
There have been many changes since I entered the crypto sphere. There had been many changes before I arrived too. I couldn't tell you half of them. All I see is what it would be possible to do with all the tools we have at our disposal. I am untrained to use those tools myself though.
I do not know the time frames other people look at when they look to a project. 6 month, a year 5 year 10? Myself I look at all of them. I look even beyond. I see that the true benefits of Hive will come in 30 plus years. If it truly finds the decentralised system, the powers that be, say they want.
I can see two different methods of funding that can be used from the DHF. Both work perfectly fine.
I do have a question.
Where does it say that all development of the chain has to be in code?
I have been searching to find that since I got here. I cannot find it anywhere. Yet when I bring up any alternative route other than code. It seems to get snubbed. I wonder why that is.
Is there more to Hive than just code. It has been like that for what 5 years now? Still the same things are said to be needed, investment users bloggers gamers. Yet the code does not bring them. Maybe code is not the way to bring people to the chain. Maybe rewards are not the best way to attract the user base. Maybe the user base does not even have to be bloggers gamers or investors.
Maybe the best user is the one who uses the currency we can create each day.
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