Battling Old mindset with the digital and crypto era

in LeoFinance3 years ago

If you want to know how blockchain technology is moving, get 5 young people within the age of 16 - 45 years and get 5 older people within the age of 45 - 65. Then you will understand the next billionaires are the younger people.

I read a post that shows the opinion of Warren buffet on cryptocurrency and I realized more of what I am been seeing on this side of the world. I have talked to some people about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and I realized that the majority of the young people accept the technology and are interested to run it. However, some young people also have the old mindset.

The old mindset is thinking that the best place to keep your money is in the bank and the best investments are in the trending and working system only.

I would not advise an old person to invest all his or her fortune in crypto assets but I would suggest investment of %10 of their savings in it. That shouldn't bring an end to their life even if it fails. Elon Musk made a lot of money last year that took him to the number one richest in the world. This is not because of just his business but because of making the right decisions and taking all the opportunities around him including cryptocurrency.

While it is good to play safely at some certain age, it is good to also try a little. I read a post by someone and he said his friend's dad called him a fraudster because he tried to introduce Bitcoin to his friend. There is a common mind for people and they are rigid. I also read a post by Nathan, he said he tried to introduce Bitcoin and Hive to his uncle but he showed no interest. This is something with people of this age.

Some months ago, I organized an event to talk about Bitcoin. I gave my flyer to an old man and he said - "Take this nonsense from my face". Well, that was the last time, I tried it.

In the next 10 years, the world billions will be people in 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s. If the old guys refused to adopt this change. Now we understand that Bank is only for transactions, not a place to keep the money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It's hard for us to actually accept new and disruptive technology and that's even worse for the older people. Young people tend to be more adventurous and open to taking risks and that's one of the underlying reasons why it seem so. But you're right anyways

Saying that next billionairs are 20s and 30s guys is simply something that happens since decades.
Warren Buffet created a new dimension for investments and many other less famous surely followed the same route.
The same within communication method and lean management/process optimization.
Billionaires start always from their 20s. So we are just agreeing that people in their 20s or 30s are more efficient in exploiting newer business methods and strategies. Let's keep learning from them.