
in LeoFinance8 hours ago


I keep on saying it, number problem is our problem. Or maybe we know too much and become greedy or on the other hand too little and become overspenders. Every failure stems from mismanagement either internal or externally. How do you spend? It was something I once discussed with a close relative about how we just keep throwing the money to live a healthy life. The thing to note here is that I am not even talking from the standpoint of careless spending. Those who are from or living in Nigeria will really relate with this. High expenses are becoming more of a 'do or die affair'. When you understand how numbers work and you see yourself pushing more of your income into internal or self sectors you'll feel disheartened. Can this be greed already? We ALL want to make more money or let's use a more professional way, own more assets.

An average Nigerian according to the present economy spends over 60% of earnings on food. Is this mismanagement? Of course. When I told my relative how I wish I could cut off a lot of food expenses and convert it into something else that could generate more bucks, the reply I got was also worth considering. 'Do well not to get any health issues in the process'. Hahaha, what a reply. Without doubt, adding any health issue to the current situation will worsen the matter. This on its own is another mismanagement. Maybe you thought mismanagement only sprouts from spending, when you fail to make that life demanding expenses you'll face the consequences. Can you count the unending effects of an unbalanced diet, it will even show on your external skin, what then will your internal body be like?

Improper use or application of things entails mismanagement. As an entrepreneur, there are lots of mismanagements that leads to business flaws. Take for instance, you open your office late leading to time mismanagement. Over time this effect will show, customers will have to head somewhere to get their required time satisfaction. How about not keeping to service delivery or production time. Pending work also leads to deterring business results. It slows down cash flow which affects overall monthly revenue. This are one of the things I always spread out to analyze when I don't meet up monthly targets. I could remember how I got constant reds that showed in my overall monthly business result. I had to sit up.

Intellectual mismanagement is one of those things. You heard me right. Many are exposed to opportunities but still remain financially unstable due to daily mismanagement of their intellect. How much of our hours do we spend online? We are all stuck to our phones and PC's yet only few make a living out of it. Many smart people walk around with quality and expensive phones but can't utilize it's full potential. This is something I will start analyzing every six month to know where I have to cut off or perhaps do better. Personally, I know the number of social apps I operate on daily. They are centered in promoting my business and linking me with both old and new customers. Just like I will spend some part of my day on the Hive platform, it's actually part of my business; I get rewarded, I learn from experts here and in turn I apply them for my growth. It's funny and also disheartening how someone can term himself smart yet has to spend his time in over 8 social apps everyday living a fake life.

That aside, I have to also consider national mismanagements in the process. Let's take for instance, the current economic crisis in Nigeria. Those we entrusted our resources to have not lived to expectations. There are so many things that can lead to business bankruptcy and the worst are those beyond your personal control. With high cost of living, most salary earners are in jeopardy. Where is their fault here; they went to school, got the needed certificate, secured the job but in turn the job ended up not securing them. A lot of business are folding in the process, some are laying off staff to salvage the current economic situation. National mismanagement has hit Nigeria so hard that many fear uncertainty of what next year even has to offer. Extending further is the war that is still ongoing in Ukraine, businesses have shut down and others have relocated if possible.

As we speak, we are looking at a global mismanagement, many believe it will soon show for all to see. The debt pile in world power country like The United States always leaves many investors worried about a dollar market crash which will have a global effect. Where did it come from, I will say a continuous go ahead to print paper notes has come with its effects. Do we know what actually happens behind so many economic scenes, wars are rumors of wars have been attributed many times as a global business.

To conclude, let me add, there are several mismanaging activities that add up to overall negative results individually and collectively. The ones that are much bothering are those out of our control. This is where the question of 'where is actually safe' stems from. Nevertheless, let's do well to keep our own path in check so we can make the most of our time. Time flies and can't be recovered, the clock has only one duty and it's to tick.

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