Living off of the TV

in LeoFinance2 months ago


Of Course we no longer spend much time watching television. Nevertheless, we need to admit that our mobile phones are mini TV's. It becomes even much more conveniencing when talking of privacy and viewing time. I could remember my childhood days when the electrical department of the country would ruin our day. How do you feel when the lights are out while you are in the middle of a very interesting movie scene? Let's not go back there.

The advancement in tech through mobile phones will help you focus on a movie from morning till night especially seasonal. We must acknowledge tech has done really well in terms of enlightenment, nevertheless, it seems we mostly use opportunities incorrectly. Looking at how tech trends impact daily lives you can attest to this. I want to look at how it has really diminished relationships. The information we digest from the Internet is mostly very unhealthy.

Do you realize a lot of people are living movie life?. The slogan that many movies are true life stories has in turn intoxicated many relationships. I wonder why they've not acted all the scary James Bond part of driving recklessly. Oh!, that one in particular is a film trick, hahaha. Jokes aside, we are grooming a world that will birth many broken relationships from what I am seeing. I am not trying to attack a particular gender here but over here a lot of ladies and women spend their time feeding off the internet.

They become a replica of who they follow on socials and the various movies they watch. Breaking up is now becoming a norm. It is so saddening yet this is done nowadays without any remorse. Maybe a lot of us don't understand the 'for better for worse' when taking marriage oaths. I am not saying that someone should make another's life very bitter in the name or relationship. All I am saying is this, many have crafted a mentality of not willing to digest anything.

No one is perfect and you should be prepared for flaws. It is always surprising how marriages break as a result of no tangible reasons. You will hear chaff words like, 'I will not take nonsense from him or her'. You are wrong, you have to take nonsense, at least to a reasonable point. What am I saying here, a lot of marriages are supposed to work till date if a lot of internet feeding we call exposure is avoided. At Least I have heard elderly ones discuss that divorce was a very embarrassing thing in their days and it was difficult to come by.

How many divorce occur nowadays in a month? How about in a single year. It seemed it was only the Western world's way of life until it finally penetrated the walls of Africa. I have to balance the odds, a lot of men don't even understand what it means to be a husband. It is embarrassing to talk about this but it is mostly married men that grow the hook up industry.

Many hotels built over here are mostly occupied for such irrelevant businesses. Where did they learn this from? Mostly it is the movies they've been watching. The intoxication is getting higher and higher.

There is a need to curb social influence if we are going to get anywhere. Societies are missing it, the life pattern is absolutely not it. It is difficult to talk to people when the 'mind your business slogan' is very radioactive. Who am I to advise people how to live their lives? Nevertheless, all these bounces on society to affect it in entirety. Let's take for instance, a broken marriage with children, those children grow up with that stigma. In short, many of them start fending for themselves at an early age and before you know choose to get involved in illegal activities.

This is how society will get impacted. If the child becomes a thief, he puts the entire environment into panic and fear. How about most female children that go into prostitution? They start baiting married men and such a cycle continues over again. There is a need to pay much attention to social media influence. How many videos are updated on Facebook daily?. Which percentage of it aligns to proper living? Who are the ones digesting these harmful high percentage videos?

Exception of videos, some sayings and status updates are very intoxicating. Someone just decides to flaunt with a man on her page with a car in the name of her husband and quotes, 'I can't marry a broke man' and you pick it. So you are out for a rich man, a mentality shift that doesn't allow one to stay and build something that can stand the test of time.

To conclude, let me add, maybe I am talking too much, am I supposed to? Cutting off internet influence is very mandatory. Just look at how kids behave after watching their favorite character cartoons. I was once a kid and I know it. It is only a pity that it is mostly these wrong internet acts that sell. So the question remains, who should be blamed? The people pushing this negative influence or the masses that keep feeding on it and craving for more?

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