Hot seat

in LeoFinance5 days ago


Have you ever been in one of these seats before? A situation that is 'get it done or lose it all'. Your imaginations starts to tingle and you feel limited in options and choice but to you, youknow time is constantly ticking and most times very fast as long as you and the situation is concerned. It's never an easy task to be on TOP or as the case maybe, lead the pack. Your decisions better be well furnished for every moment or be ready to face inevitable blames. Think I am joking, consider Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market. Every underperformance in the entire cryptoverse always boils down to it. The matters arising will reach the government, top institutions and whale investors; afterall, they are the ones capable to shift the market, how much percentage of the market size do I hold; infinitesimal changes.

That said, let's roll into some storytelling as I am on a hot seat even as I speak. I had an electrical downtime and it affected both my online and offline business. My plan this morning was to get an article out at leat by 10:Am so I could spend maybe an hour of the morning to read and curate some interesting articles and also do well to join in Threads. Really beginning to love threads on LEO, never knew there is a lot of fun down there. Have I done ALL these? No,courtesy of light outage and I was not in anyway prepared for this. I never knew my backup energy source would join to be faulty too this same day. Looks as if I am stranded which I have refused to be. This article is out though late I have to appreciate the positive energy.


Meeting up targets under a destabilized situation can be very challenging. I am really choked up right NOW with a lot of work both online and offline to meet up. I have actually decided to push my offline business activity to tomorrow and it is really piling up. I am already feeling the heat ahead of tomorrow. Am I afraid of the workload? not a full no because I have been here several times, I only always want to avoid the stress. I will really be exhausted and this always deters my face look and body appearance. When I push beyond daily work load, I always end up shrinking. What if there is another fault again tomorrow?, it shouldn't and wouldn't, I am looking prepared.

This situation reminds me of my early school days. It was during my practical examination that I sat on such a seat. I mean a 'hot seat' in terms of situation, not position. We had to do a physics practical so we could draw out figures from the experiment and plot a graph. Practical physics carries the most marks and if you happen to fail, then you've already failed. The time was two hours if I can still remember yet most of it never mattered because me and my team never knew what we were doing. Maybe it was the fear of the exams that robbed us of all our knowledge and study. So it was and time was winding down in my very face. Getting to Forty-five minutes to go with nothing tangible is enough reason to panic.

Time is remaining 45mins, Boom! It's definitely time to panic, it is becoming too hot to bear. I was on my way to panic anyway as a young lad which I was, considering I will have to retake the entire exams the next year. My teacher was my salvation that day, he just saw me shaking up and down and his word of courage was this, 'you still have time'. There is nothing much he could do with an external invigilator around. The word entered deep into every part of me and to my greatest surprise I finished everything up within that limited time and if I am to enlighten you more, I had a B2 in that subject.

Learn calmness

This was the lesson I learnt that day, one can achieve a lot if he chooses to stay calm. Not an easy one though, a hot seat always remains hot and remaining calm doesn't necessarily mean the seat is now cold but rather you've blended or are contending with the heat to get your expected result. I have from that day strived to stay calm, who has panic rescued before? You'll just over strain your brain and stay unproductive and 'non-solution minded' until your fears become a full reality. The storytelling above is better heard than experienced, trust me, maybe I would have peed my pants if I ended up doing nothing. Don't laugh too much, the situation would have warranted such at my early days.

To conclude, let me add, thinking, staying and acting positive is a needed hedge when in a hot seat situation. It 's not one we dream of yet fighting hard to stay positive is of utmost importance. I made sure this article still came through on 20/09/24 and I am very happy about this.

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