The Number Of Active Hive Accounts Is Growing | Data On Active Accounts by Posting, Curating, Transfers and Custom JSON Operations | August 2021

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

If you haven’t notice by now Splinterlands is kinda going viral and its impacting everything on the blockchain. One of those metrics is the number of active accounts.

Let’s take a look!


Top Four Hive Operations

We will be looking at the activity on the chain by the top operations made:

  • Post and comment
  • Vote/Curate
  • Transfer coins
  • Make Custom JSON transactions

Apart from the above, reading, or page views, is also a crucial part of this ecosystem, but this type of operation is not stored on the blockchain. There is some general traffic websites that can be used for this, like

We will be looking at the number of active accounts by the operations stated above for the period from April 2020 to July 2021. Hive was created at the end of March, so this period will cover the activities in its exitance.

We will be looking at the number of DAU (daily active users) and the number of MAU (monthly active users).

Number of Accounts that Posts or Comment

First let’s take a look at the number of accounts that are posting on the blockchain, as one of the core operations.


The above is the chart for DAU, for accounts making posts or comments on the blockchain.
An increase at first, as the price went up, then a drop and an increase again towards May 2021. Then a drop again.
The chart for the active posting accounts is following the price actions closely. Price goes up, more people post and the opposite. In the last week we have an increase again. Around 3.5k daily active accounts that post or comment.

Later we see the MAU stats for the accounts that are posting and commenting.

Number of Account that Vote/Curate

How about then number of accounts that vote. What is their number? After all the voting feature on the blockchain is at its core. Rewards are distributed via votes.
Here is the chart.


Quite a steady pattern here.

The number of unique daily accounts that vote is higher than the number of accounts that post or comment. Since the creation of the blockchain its almost constant between 10k and 12k per day.

Not sure what the zig zag pattern is 😊.

Number of Accounts That are Making Transfers

What about the basic crypto activity? Transferring value. How many users are making daily transactions? Here is the chart.


The number of accounts making transfers started with around 600, then it spiked, along with the price spike at the time. Afterwards it has been around 1000 accounts per day.
In the last period it is around 1500 accounts making transfers per day with some large spikes.

Number of Accounts That are Making Custom JSON Operations

Now let’s take a look at the mains suspect. The custom json transactions!


As expected, there is a huge spike in the number of accounts making custom json transactions per day. The number is going for 40k active accounts per day. Previously this number was around 10k for a long period with some steady growth in the last few months, and an absolute explosion in the last week.
Will see how high this will go.

Monthly Active Accounts By Type Of Operation

What about monthly active accounts? Not everyone is making daily activities. Monthly active accounts can be a more accurate representation. Here is the chart for MAUs by category.


These numbers are for the top 4 activities described above.

A note that these are MAUs per category, the total number is higher than the above.

Number of accounts posting, voting and transfers are all following a similar pattern with smooth up and downs in the months, depending mostly on the price. Then we have the accounts making custom json transactions that have been growing for most of the period and have doubled in July. Just a note that the growth of Splinterlands started at the end of July and August will most likely see a higher highs then July.

There was 50k active accounts making custom json transactions in July 2021. Account posting was around 11k, similar for accounts transferring tokens, and the number of accounts curating is around 18k.

In total the Hive blockchain has more than 50k MAUs in July 2021, probably somewhere between 60k to 70k. The number is doubled from the previous one, where it was around 30k.

When we compare the number of active accounts per type of operation in the last month, we have this.


The accounts making custom json transactions are dominant now, with 50k, followed by the curators, then transfers and posts.


Since the main dApp build on the Hive blockchain is a blogging platform the obvious question is how many readers it has. The numbers presented above are about authors, curators, gamers, etc… users that actually interact with the blockchain with some action.

The number of readers is not stored on the blockchain. The interesting thing is that there is more than one frontend to the blockchain, no there is no one single point of entrance to count.
According to the numbers for unique daily visitors at the moment are:

  • 152k
  • 118k
  • 79k
  • LeoFinance has 47k

The other interfaces and tribes have some more. Some of them may overlap but I would give a rough estimate somewhere around 300k overall daily visitors. Have in mind this is very rough estimate.

Readers are still the most numbered users on the chain :).

All the best

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


So really there's no change besides splinterlands pushing more transactions. Posts are still at all time lows, comments etc. We need more than just a blogging platform there's a VERY small percentage of people that have time to blog or even want to bother. What I'd really like to see are these numbers.

Amount of hive created
Velocity of hive Liquid
How much % is staked

Those are the kind of numbers that are really going to show us true growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Splinterlands is a unique case ... not everyone can do what tehy did ... community tokens are still the best way for hive probably

The number of accounts on Hive is the first metric to look at. We need MAU numbers to keep going up. @splinterlands is accomplishing this.

From here we can only hope a few make their way into other applications. Yet we have to start somewhere.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wen 100k :)
Once they have keychain and Hive account, onboarding to other apps is much easier.

Yes that is true. The biggest issue is to get them set up and onboarded. @splinterlands is doing that. Plus I guess there require sign in with Keychain so that takes care of that.

Hopefully the 100K is in August or September. That would be a growth rate we could live with for a few months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm really excited for those who play Splinterlands, and also I wonder over time, if some of these new users also check out other apps and games, it provides more traffic on Hive-Engine.. It's always been my view that growing the community, grows the entire Eco-system on Hive, only time will tell now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Probably the easiest way for them to start posting is about the game itself in the Splintertalk comunity.

The growth of Splinterlands is having a positive impact for sure!

I may be a living proof that newcomers are checking out other apps. I started splinterlands 10 days ago, and brought several friends with me. 6 persons in total. Amongst those, only one another is checking other apps on HIVE. Still, 2 within them didn't even do crypto before that. Still trying to figure all that out, but so far I find the HIVE community amazing.

Would love to read your story how did you find out about Splinterlands, how you make the account and how did you started comenting here :)

Make a post and tag me or just put a link as a reply in this commnet.

Sure ! I am away for the week-end but I will do that when I get back. Where would be the best place to post that? Leofinance, splintertalk, peakd? I haven't made a single post yet, and tbh I'm a bit lost with all those communities.

Use the #introduceyourselftag for your first post ... if its heavy realated to splinterlands then post in that community ... you can use peakd with the right tags ...or the frontend

Thanks a lot !

Nice to know. Welcome

I would give a rough estimate somewhere around 300k overall daily visitors.

That's impressive, we are growing 🤛

Not sure what the zig zag pattern is 😊.

When Europe and the Americas are sleeping?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Haha .... maybe :)

It's good news but that last spike seems suspicious. Something similar happened 2 weeks ago on another platform and 90% of those new accounts were fake or bots. BTW, what are custom JSON operations?

json is like universal way to store data .... sort of ...

I think it's likely that a majority of accounts are bots. Doesn't make it any less great for Hive though. 3 HIVE per account creation burned, HP delegations and positive press for Hive. Plus, Hivers are getting wealthy. Always good.

@Dalz & @Therealwolf you are older users so wanted to ask why this appears like this instead of my username? First time I see this.

Not sure on what app you are seing this ... but its basicly the comment "title"

This is really cool. I have been inviting people to join Hive ever since I joined, I can proudly say that I have successfully brought 7 people into Hive, we have only 3 active people though. But we are progressing and increasingly thanks to hive. Nice analysis by the way.

Great job man

If we all could onboard another 3 people, it would really make a difference

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks a lot man. We are taking it one day at a time

Well great! You can tell them there is a cool game to play now :)

They know about splinterlands, but am still finding my way around it also

Great report!

I thought those spikes on the curation chart could be related to that "glitch" right after the fork, but it looks like they happened before it so I don't really know whats up with those hehe

Very insightful article anyways!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The truth is that, the number of users are growing everyday, even those that are not active before are now seeing some interesting stuff that enable them to come back to the community

Posted via

zigzag pattern - automatic voting.

~~~ embed:1423373174037696513 twitter metadata:SGl2ZWJ1bGx8fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vSGl2ZWJ1bGwvc3RhdHVzLzE0MjMzNzMxNzQwMzc2OTY1MTN8 ~~~
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Feedback from the August 1st Hive Power Up Day

We've got another Hive Dapp on Product Hunt:

We'll continue to see this growth. If you use the platform drop a vote. Let's hope we'd see good exposure out of the listing :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

this is great information thank you so much for sharing :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The number of JSON transactions and number of new users created is massive! I hope Hive will be much more popular in few months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta