Time to Get "Physical" with Hive & Threads

in LeoFinance2 years ago

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Photo by FLY:D on Unsplash

It's no secret that it takes a lot of effort to get something moving. Once it's rolling, it doesn't take nearly as much to keep it moving. If you've ever had to push a car out of a snowbank or down the street to the gas station, you'll know this is true. Getting it moving is the hard part. Once you get it started, it's a lot easier to keep it in motion towards wherever you're going.

Another example is a merry-go-round. If you've ever spun it for your kids, you'll know that it takes some effort to get it spinning, but once you have it going, a few pushes here and there will keep it turning at a good pace. This is called physics.

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Photo by K. Mitch Hodge on Unsplash

First Law of Motion

Starting an object from a motionless state requires transferring your energy via force onto the object you're trying to move. Once it starts moving, the object now has the kinetic energy that you provided and it will continue to move in the direction you pushed it. It's Newton's first Law of Motion: objects at rest tend to stay at rest while objects in motion tend to stay in motion, unless acted upon by an external source.

This is where we are with Hive. We have a large object that is barely moving as far as growth is concerned. The user base has been fairly stagnant for a couple years now. It is very difficult to get it moving because we haven't been able to apply enough "force" in the right direction. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying we're not growing and building and expanding, I'm just saying that as far as movement goes, we've been stuck in basically the same place since the fork.

Second Law of Motion

That is starting to change. This is where Newton's Second Law of Motion comes into play. Force equals Mass x Acceleration. In other words, if you want to get something accelerating in a particular direction, then the size of the force you apply and the direction of that force will make a difference.

With Hive, the "force" that needs to be applied is users. Attracting people to the ecosystem is the only way to push it in the direction we all want it to go. Namely up. :-) While this is technically not a perfect analogy, the most fundamental metric most of us use to measure our progress is the price of the token. When the token price goes up, the hive is buzzing and people are excited. When it goes down, the energy wanes and the grind continues. That's just how it feels, even though the actual growth has little to do with price.

As I said, this is starting to change. LeoFinance has brought a new tool to the equation to help us begin to apply the force needed to really get this thing moving. The new Threads UI is beginning to make inroads on increasing the activity and the userbase of Hive as a whole. Transactions are starting to rise, the community is starting to become more active, and the engagement level has taken a big jump just in the last week since it's been "launched". According to the AMA yesterday, there are now 14 communities on Hive incentivized to start interacting on Threads, with more being added every day.

Applying the Law

Back to Newton's Laws for a second...

To accelerate something in a particular direction, the size of the force you apply and the direction of that force matter. Hive has all of these different communities that have been applying their own force in their own particular direction, but all of these directions are different. They add a few users here and there, lose a few along the way, and basically stay in their own little bubble without applying their power towards moving the blockchain in the right direction.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Hive is built for exactly these type of communities. It's a place people can find and interact with others from all over the world that share their particular interests. All I'm saying is that we haven't had a way to harness the energy these communities have built and apply it so that everyone is pushing in the same direction.

That's what Threads is for. It is a platform on Hive where every single community can participate and contribute towards "pushing" the blockchain forward. Regardless of each person's particular interests, using Threads adds transactions, activity, a stronger sense of community, and an overall sense of engagement to the Hive blockchain. Everyone is pushing in the same direction.

Network Effect

This has the chance to get the ball rolling, and more importantly, accelerating in the right direction. While Newton's Laws are actually applied to objects with Mass (physical objects), the application here would be towards creating the network effect. Once the energy is applied to the network, it has the potential of accelerating to much higher levels in a very short period of time.

This is where the Communities come into play. By bringing everyone together in the same place we can get the wheel spinning faster and faster enticing more and more people to get on the ride. We're all in this together. Each of our individual successes contribute to the whole and help broaden the reach of the entire ecosystem.

We should all be looking for these communities and doing our part to encourage them and help bring them to Threads. We can't do this alone. It will take everyone doing their part and the more parts there are, the faster we can get this thing moving. The more value each of us adds to the blockchain, the more value we all can receive down the road.

It's not rocket science. It's physics. :-)

Hive is the Way.
LeoFinance, the Gateway.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Static friction is always more than kinetic friction.

The analogy makes sense and fits quite well. As more force is put into it, the limits will eventually be transcended bringing us into new heights. But each one of us must play a part and we all have to move in the same direction. Threads provides an outlet for that.

What I love about physics is that its fundamental laughs are unchanging and it could be applied to almost anything in the known universe.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people ( @dagger212, @guruvaj ) sharing the post on LeoThreads,LikeTu,dBuzz.https://leofinance.io/threads/@dagger212/re-leothreads-2yw9vf7qj https://leofinance.io/threads/@guruvaj/re-dagger212-1ov7j9qw9t

You are absolutely right when we travel on a bike it takes us from where to where but when ever bike gets punctured we can't even take it far. The second example you gave is much better because in the beginning everything takes a lot of effort and then things get easier. If a person starts thinking that this work is too difficult, then a person can never do that work. It is the responsibility of all of us to play our part in promoting hive throughout the world. I have also told many friends about it and they are currently working on it and I am trying to grow this chain a lot in the same way. Here I will give an example that if a heavy object is lying down, one person will never be able to lift it, and when two or three servants come, they will lift it easily, so what we should do is to lift it together. Do the work and tell people about it to become more popular.

It really is a team effort. No one person can make this place succeed on his/her own. But every single person on here is important to the collective effort. Everybody just needs to keep doing their part, big or small, and eventually there will be enough of us that all the small parts will add up to a giant move.

I'm glad to hear about your onboarding efforts. As we just said, everyone counts. And you never know when the person you onboard knows someone who knows someone who all of sudden brings hundreds or thousands on board. As I said in yesterday's post, it's a numbers game.

Yeah you are absolutely right. This cannot be done by one person or only by a team, it has to be done by all of us together. As each person contributes, one day this community will become much bigger and spread all over the world.

I feel like I'm in a physics class after so many years. 😂 But there is no doubt that Newtonwas a great scientist. The way you relate Newton's theories to Hive project is perfect, we can relate it to many other things, that's why Newton is considered in one of the best scientist in the world. We all agree that Hive is a very great project, the people here and the community here are very nice and supportive. It is the same way that the more input you give, the more output you will get.

Class dismissed. You guys are good. lol @young-kedar @itwithsm @tornad

Hahaha when will be next class and what will be the topic?

I was also about to ask that lol. Looking forward to the next topic in class!

hahaha You took be 10 to 15 years back when I first read about the Newton Law, I clearly remember the third law of Motion which says action and reaction are equal in force but opposite in direction :D I'll relate it with the effort which all of us are making on this great platform, and the result we are getting is the result of the effort we are putting on this platform. the more effort we will put, the more the reward we will get. As far as Hive growth is concern, we are no doubt growing and getting better and better, but the world outside of Hive don't know about much about this growth and development and as a result we are getting the numbers we want to get as far as user base concern.

It's absolutely right. I play splinterlands but didn't staked at the beginning. It was only a few months ago that I started. Now I try and do it regularly. It was the initial momentum which is harder, then becomes effortless !

First thing, that first pic is just so cool!

As I was reading the post I was picturing a lot of fish caught in the net. like u said and like Nemo told they fish.. they swim in one direction and they broke the net and got away.. :)

This is where the Communities come into play. By bringing everyone together in the same place we can get the wheel spinning faster and faster enticing more and more people to get on the ride. We're all in this together. Each of our individual successes contribute to the whole and help broaden the reach of the entire ecosystem.

I'd like to see this more and more. Communities have been a great feature to Hive, but they have also isolated us a little, as competition has built up between many of them. Some communities even directly state they will mute anyone who posts to another community and then shares it into theirs. I never liked that. I hope Threads can bring all of Hive back together and get us working together.