We've all heard the complaints. I'm sure we've even uttered some of them ourselves.
- "I want to buy it before it breaks out."
- "I wish I could have bought it below $1.00."
- "I want to get in before it goes mainstream."
- "I want to own it before the influencers on YouTube talk about it."
That's the dream of crypto, right? Put a small amount of money in with the potential of life-changing returns. If it doesn't work, it's not the end of the world. But if it does...jackpot!
Well, what if I told you there's an opportunity right now to do just that? Something that checks all the boxes. Below a dollar? Check. Hasn't broken out yet? Check. Mainstream hasn't stumbled onto it yet? Check. Influencers haven't covered it yet? Check again. And a final box to check: potential? Immense.

This cryptocurrency is called LeoFinance. It was created and exists on the Hive blockchain. For those of you who don't know what Hive is, in a nutshell, it is social media on the blockchain where content creators and curators of that content earn tokens (get paid) for adding value to the site. This happens through posting material and having it be upvoted by the community. The upvoters also share in the rewards so even if you don't post, you can still earn tokens by commenting on others' content.
It also happens to have it's own exchange where users are able to trade in and out of tokens for very small fees, in many cases completely free. In other words, a developers dream. And that is where LeoFinance comes in.

LeoFinance was developed on top of the Hive blockchain as a community, a tribe. Even though it's only been in existence for a few short months, the amount of development has been amazing. The community has been extremely active in engaging others and working towards growing the site organically, and developers have now stepped in to add extremely exciting projects within the LeoFinance framework to grow it even further.
In the last couple months, they introduced wLeo, which allows the Leo token to be utilized on the Ethereum blockchain. There is also a liquidity pool available to fund as well. While still very early in the game, the access it grants to the world of defi holds great potential.
What's coming
In the month of March, the devs are planning on launching a new app which will also allow for the creation of bLeo. This will give Leo holders access to the Binance Smart Chain. As many people know, BSC is one of the hottest places to transact in the market right now due to the high "gas" fees on Ethereum. This opens up another world of opportunities for the platform as a whole.
In addition to this launch, they will also be launching the LeoFi dashboard. This dashboard will feature a new Leasing app (bringing DeFi to Hive) and will also serve as a platform to connect all of Leo's other DeFi platforms in the future.
The goal of this particular app is to bring together all the aspects of LeoFi under one UI, allowing you to track your LP rewards, lease and collateralize your LEO hodlings, and participate in DeFi on three separate blockchains (with more to come):
Hive DeFi
Ethereum DeFi
Binance Smart Chain DeFi
they get paid. It will also feature an easy-to-use onboarding ramp for new users to become involved in Hive and its stable of communities. In other words, it will bring lots of attention to LeoFinance and the Hive ecosystem as a whole.

So, now the real question:As if this weren't enough, the devs are also in the process of putting the finishing touches on a yet-to-be-named project simply being called #ProjectBlank for now. This app will bring micro-blogging to LeoFinance and allow users to earn tokens for their content as opposed to having current social media sites, like Twitter, use your content and your information to be sold so
What's it all worth?
This is the fun part. I have absolutely no idea! To be honest, the numbers can be a little mind-boggling. For example, the blockchain underneath Leo can run transactions in three seconds for no fees. It's extremely fast, extremely scalable, and extremely cheap. If you compare it to other blockchains out there with market caps in the billions, what is this one worth?
Then we bring in defi. Everyone knows that defi is a hot area in crypto right now and it looks like it will remain that way at least for the foreseeable future. In fact, defi is what many traditional banks are looking at getting involved in. They see the writing on the wall. Permissionless, fair, open, and efficient, defi provides the real world opportunities traditional banks no longer can. Users are able to lend, borrow, stake, and trade without any third parties getting their hands in the pie. This allows investors yields and returns for their capital that are actually commensurate to the risk they are taking. As opposed to buying bonds or leaving money in a moneymarket which will only de-value over time as the currency continues to have it's supply inflated. So, looking at some of the other defi cryptos out there again, with billion dollar plus market caps, what is LeoFinance worth?
Let's throw in it's cross-chain interoperability; Hive, Ethereum, BSC, and others to follow. Hive is basically free to use, BSC is much cheaper than Ethereum, and Ethereum is still the engine that most everything runs on. So, you have all the options here. What is that worth?
Finally, ProjectBlank is aiming at taking on Twitter. Now by no means am I suggesting that it will in any way rival that giant, even in the next 10 years (although it's possible in that timeframe), but what I will say is that Twitter is banning people. Twitter is picking sides arbitrarily to support whatever narrative they want to support. They are engaging in censorship. I believe that will come back to haunt them. There are already thousands of people out there looking for alternatives. ProjectBlank will be one of those alternatives. Uncensorable, decentralized, and you get paid for your own content. Twitter has a current market cap of $54 billion. What does that make LeoFinance worth?
In my mind, with only roughly 6.5M tokens in circulation and the vast majority of those staked, and a current market cap of less than $5M.....it's worth a hell of a lot more than the 70 cents its trading at today. Open a free account at leofinance.io and check it out for yourself.

As always, these are my opinions. I'm not a financial planner and I do own a stake in LeoFinance. Do your own research. Cryptocurrencies can and do go up and down in value and you could lose all of your money.
Thanks for reading!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think this is a great explanation of everything going on with Leo right now. It's exciting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It IS exciting. The ecosystem is going to have so much to offer, not just from a community perspective, but from an overall compete-with-some-of-the-big-names-in-crypto perspective. The development continues to progress and the developers continue to innovate and grow the infrastructure. It is truly an amazing time to be a part of Leo.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Actually it is about 2 years old.
You hit the nail on the head. People want to get in early yet often overlook what is right in front of them. Yes LEO has moved up a great deal but it is still very early.
There is no reason why Leo cant be worth $65 million, which is $10 a token. How does that look compared to 70 cents?
Sound unreasonable? It sounded unreasonably to think of LEO at 70 cents when it was under a penny but here we are.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Few is a "relative" term. lol The tokenomics here are what's really crazy. If and when LeoFi taps into the defi world, $65M is nothing. I guess I still don't know how it will all fit together but, like I said, with all they have going on, the valuations can get pretty insane. I can't wait for tomorrow.....#soon. :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post, good information that's elementary to insiders maybe someone's first time or impression. It's not always preaching to the choir, I believe people should write for the people that are not on Hive as much as the ones that are here. I got quite a bit out of that post, Thanks
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm glad you learned some things. As you said, I was trying to write it with an eye towards someone new learning about it for the first time. If you check my "reply" to myself above, I linked an article talking about SEOs. That resonated with me so I tried to title the article with a phrase some new person might type into Google. I have no idea how SEO works but, I figured I'd try it. Maybe it will pop up to some users and we'll get a few new people to check it out. Thanks for the reply.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo is really cool. I recently invested in it and intend to buy more
Your post will excite many
Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It IS cool. lol And it's providing plenty of the excitement all on its own. I just tried to organize it for someone new coming in to check it out. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Keep on stacking the Leo. The more you can get at these prices the happier you'll be later in my opinion. :-)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is a huge liquidity problem with LEO so I can only see it going up. With so many projects in development like you said, I can only see more LEO locked up in pools and more users entering the platform. I personally think its more likely that the price of HIVE will go up due to RC issues but LEO will go up because I doubt the exchange rate will tank given it's liquidity.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think there will be quite a bit powered down after the projectblank snapshot. I'm not saying a huge percentage or anything but a decent chunk. I'm also not saying it will necessarily be sold. A lot of it may end up as bLeo or wLeo. So, who knows what the numbers will be. Either way though, I totally agree with you that the vast majority will be tied up so if new users are attracted to the site with the new projects, we could definitely see a price squeeze. Hopefully at that point they can look at maybe getting it out on a major exchange. Having it all locked up isn't necessarily completely a good thing. It needs to get spread around so the market can grow. Thanks for the reply.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I think more people will be willing to take LEO out to exchange on BLeo because the fees won't be ridiculous and there will be some power-downs. I just wonder how much of it will be added to the market and will it solve the current liquidity problem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Getting into leofinance at this point is a big advantage I am super bullish on this project. It ticks all the boxes for me. With the new projects coming up and others in the pipeline, i believe tons of value will be added to the community. Get in while you can.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The future looks bright indeed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You should have bought and staked it already :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's certainly not too late if you're just finding out about it now. It's actually a great time to be getting in.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
here in mind, so if you feel like I'm explaining things more than Leo users really need, that is why.I wrote this with @hitmeasap's post
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Get rid of your wish to buy $ARTS in the future. The NFT market is going to explode big and Artivas NFT marketplace on BSC with its unique game Cowtivas, going to take one of the top places.
Learn more about it in this post https://leofinance.io/@artivas/introducing-nft-marketplace-on-bsc-artivas
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta