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RE: Hive: Smart Contracts And One Second Block Times?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I appreciate the "back room" work that's being done to Hive, the blockchain... optimization, updating and so forth.

But it all leads me back to the big question we have discussed before: GIVEN that we have super short block time, virtually NO "Gas" (equivalent) costs and simple sensible send/receive addresses (as opposed to 42 characters of gobbledigook) WHY is nobody looking to the simple reality that Hive ANSWERS many of the question marks raised over why BTC and ETH never became true transactional peer-to-peer systems?

It is NOT really a feasible use case to have an online store that sells "stuff" (for lack of a better term) in BTC or ETH because of the wait times and costs... at least not without having to involve a fiat-based intermediary. I could sell my "stuff" for Hive... have instant conformation, and never have to exit to fiat for any part of the process. And from a market perspective? Suddenly you have a real and tangible reason to buy and hold Hive.

I sometimes find myself wondering whether the general indifference towards such an idea is more philosophical than anything: commerce has "already been DONE" and is not "new, exciting and cutting edge."


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Personally I don't think there has been use cases that caught the attention of developers. That said, a strong case could be made that we are still lacking the tools to attract them. Ethereum and EOS both outpace Hive in that regard.

Hive is the epitome of a decentralized idea with many groups going in different directions. In the long run, that can give you much greater reach yet, in the near term, makes it tough since there isn't that laser focus. Many felt that marketing Hive to users was the answer, but what are you really marketing?

It all comes down to the developers. Why is EOS nowhere near the Ethereum Killer it was advertised as? Because the developers are still on the former.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In many ways, I do think Hive is doing precisely what it's supposed to be... and the marketing issue is perhaps better left to 2nd layer communities who can have a tight niche appeal, and thus be more likely to attract the new users to their communities... which underneath are still Hive-based. Imagine 20 LeoFinance-like communities running, concurrently.

And maybe part of the answer lies there... the marketplace could even be a 2nd layer project.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Imagine 20 LeoFinance-like communities running, concurrently.

I certainly have and agree with you. Hive is the base layer, the power is at the second layer. That is what will give value to the first layer.

Leofinance is showing what the potential is like. A number of times today I mentioned what would things look like if there were a few dozen people who followed Real Madrid or the Los Angeles Lakers on Hive, operating in their own community. We know fans like that are passionate.

That is the true value of hive's future. Once people realize they can set up tribes like that are start to solicit people from around the Internet, then things take on a new meaning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i think some people tried, not that it was great.

i see it currently as an closed loop of not enough people holding hive, how easy is to get hive and are people willing to spend it now when most are waiting for the bull to do something.

number of people holding significant spendable hive is small, few 1000 maybe.

for me to get hive (it is maybe easier in other places) i need to go to the bank, send money to a local exchange, get btc (eth, ltc) than on other exchange change btc to hive, and than use it to buy something.

i am not sure how many people are willing to spend hive at 10 cents to buy something.

That is all true and do not disagree at all.

Ease of use certainly is something that is a problem as well as the distribution. HIVE is not something on the top of most people's mind (few even know about it). However, if we can keep expanding, things can change. Bitcoin was not so well known early on either.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i was just addressing the marketplace idea. If you watched jarive's video he did with a new user and what she managed to pick up after the registration you would for sure see how ease of use has improved. i waited 3 weeks for an account and had no info about anything, except using a pretty bad search on steemit to find posts that explain something.

ease of use is for sure improving. just wanted to make a point about the marketplace idea (that i like). For people that have a lot of crypto, maybe not that hard to buy stuff with hive, but for "normies" not that easy. in my situation i need to pay 4 different transaction fees to get from fiat to hive, not going to buy with hive at the moment for sure.
i even event for a crazy rout of buying splinterlands cards with paypal to sell them for hive so i could buy hive for few $ at the time. then i caught myself not selling the cards so i abandoned that not so great idea (well i got few legendary cards, so maybe it was not a disaster)