You make some very good points, but what I'll hand to Warren Buffett is that he has been extremely succssfull investing HIS way. And, as you say, that success is built on basic industries. Now, if he was mediocre at what he was doing, I'd probably not cut him as much slack. But I don't think we can expect a metaphorical marathon runner to do the pole vault.
Right now (looked at in the greater spectrum of investing) cryptocurrencies occupy some space we might call "highly speculative hybrid assets." Half the world — including many in the crypto industry, itself — hasn't even clearly defined what a cryptocurrency is and does. Even as we sit inside the industry with a front row seat, we're part of a show that's basically tiny, in the greater scale of things... consider that there's maybe $8 trillion in gold out there, compared to $250 billion in total crypto market value. The total market cap of the S&P-500 stocks is some $25 trillion, just to add perspective.
My point here is pretty much what you've alluded to: We're not Warren Buffett's target market. And we're just a tiny grain of sand on his scopes... an unproven grain of sand, at that. Right now... we're (as a comparison) somewhere on the scale of when there were maybe 10 million people using the Internet... and we thought that was a really big deal!
It will be interesting to see where we are in 25 years from now...
Posted via Steemleo