Hi! It's been a bit since my last post but I've been pretty busy learning new tricks. One of the latest ones is how to turn my money into even more money! It's easy! You don't need to be a computer hacker to figure it out either!
Have you heard of DeFi? It's short for Decentralized Finance. What it basically does is remove the middleman from your transactions, no more banks. You can even do things like give yourself instant loans! Sounds too crazy to be real, right? I thought so too until I finally got involved.
Don't be like I was and keep waiting, get in now while it's still early! That way you can be a part of something amazing as it grows in scale over the next few years and most likely even produce some big gains from your investment.
Of course, with anything, there is always a risk that things won't turn out the way you'd hoped. This is what kept me from investing in a lot of things that would've already made me a very rich man, had I just held on long enough.
As I've burned myself a few too many times, I think I finally learnt a solid lesson. When you have a good feeling about something and ape into it, stay there and hold out through the tough times, HODL the dips and buy even more.
My intuition has been pretty on-point but my emotions have led me to panic-sell time and time again. This time things are going to be different. I am hodling my CUB like no other! This is a solid project with a great community, lots of very helpful and knowledgable members keep things interesting.
We have a niche that is something I think pretty much anyone can benefit from, finance. Chances are that if you're reading this, finance is likely an interest of yours, too.
As many of you might not already be too familiar with the project CubDefi, here are the provided documents explaining what it is and what it does. (for now) Things change over time, of course, more will be added, etc etc.. CLICK HERE FOR CUB INFO
I'll give you a quick breakdown though. Below is a screenshot of the homepage which shows how much CUB I have available to harvest and how much is in my wallet. (10 CUB sent by @edicted)

On the left side, you can see where it says 'farms' and 'dens'.
DeFi makes it possible to take your existing tokens and stake them into 'pools' in order to 'farm' more tokens. This is known as Liquidity Farming to some, I'm sure there are other terms used. What you do is simple, inside a farm you have a few different options to choose from and take your pick.

There are plenty of variables that make each farm different, for instance, multipliers and deposit fees.
Below you can see that there is a 0% deposit fee on the CUB-BUSD pool with a 40x multiplier. What that basically means is, you don't have to pay to stake in that farm and there are 40x as many tokens allocated to that pool. (I think, correct me here if I'm wrong, please.) However, that leads to a much larger return from your pooled liquidity than any of the others, with a bit of impermanent-loss risk involved.

Wtf is impermanent loss?
Impermanent loss happens when you add your own liquidity to a pool, and the value of your pooled tokens go down compared to when you LP'd them. The more fluctuation there is, the more you are at risk of impermanent loss.
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's a video that will explain it better than I can.
What is the difference between farms and dens?
While farms are pretty risky many people don't want to potentially lose their money so they have another option available for them, dens.
When you're in a den there is no risk at all of impermanent loss because you are only staking one asset. eg. I am staking CUB only in the dens because I don't want to run the risk of the CUB price going up and ending up with more of some token I don't really want. As you'll see in the screenshot below, the APY is not as good in the den and nor is the multiplier. But that's the 'loss' you take for playing it safe.

This is where I will be keeping all of my CUB and I will continue to compound them and HODL as long as I possibly can, something tells me the price is going to be a lot higher than it is now. Just look at Goose.defi's EGG token to see what can happen with CUB.

This is EGG and it's down from $103 yesterday, to be honest, I think a lot of them are pulling out to move to CUB and capture a higher APY while they still can.
CUB is already showing signs of it in the price as it was around $3.5 for most of the day yesterday and it's now over $5.

There is a high likelihood that CUB will go much higher over the next few weeks, so my advice to you is to HODL on as long as you can! (I'm not a professional, take my advice with a grain of salt.)
Phew! There is a lot more I could talk about but why don't we go ahead and get to the giveaway part!?
Are you ready for some free CUB!?
In order to win any CUB in this giveaway, you MUST complete ALL steps without exception.
Only accounts with no prior CUB transactions before this post was made will be allowed to participate!
Step 1. Make sure you're able to access and use the BSC network. Information on how to do this can be located in the CUB docs here.
Step 2. You must have at least 0.005 BNB in your BSC account.

Step 4. Paste the screenshot into a comment here along with your BSC address in text form.
Step 5. Stake at least 0.25 CUB into the 'CUB den' and copy the transaction url (bscscan), then paste it here in the same comment as your screenshot and BSC wallet address.
Step 6. Pick a lucky number between 1-5000. (make sure nobody has already picked the number you chose because only 1 person can have the same number)
I've made an example of what your comment should look like, below.

Once you have completed all 6 steps you will have been successfully entered into the CUB Community Pooled Giveaway!
How do I stop people from making alts and joining in this giveaway multiple times?
I can't.
All that I can do is ask the LEO community to please have some integrity and give the newcomers a chance to win.
Let's all play fair now!
86 CUB POOL!!Thanks (so far) to @edicted for adding 10 CUB to the giveaway pool!! I will also be adding 10, so there is a total of 20 CUB to be won currently! Edit* @lordbutterfly has added 10 CUB! Totaling 30 in the pool! And @flauwy with another 10 CUB! That's 40! 10 more from @yabapmatt! 50 CUB!! Another 10 from
@empoderat! 25 more added from @onealfa.leo!!! +1 from @sgt-dan!
Prizes: Winners will be picked at random with a random number picker using the LUCKY NUMBER you chose!
The more pooled CUB from sponsors, the more winners there will be.
20-50 CUB (*Up to 40 winners) <-- this is where we are now.
50-100 CUB (Up to 90 winners)Edit <-- this is where we are now.
*up to: meaning, if there are even that many entries.
Anything over 100 CUB donated to the pool will be divided by no more than 150 winners. You have GREAT ODDS considering there aren't even that many people who usually read my posts! haha
Make sure to follow all the directions!
Good luck!!!
-Crystal Human
Just to keep it fully-transparent here, I have staked the CUB that has been pooled so far and I will unstake it once it is time to payout the winners. I felt like it was a waste to have CUB sitting there not being protected in a den!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky number: 4269 https://bscscan.com/tx/0x3aed066ad1ef53d8ecbe54f7b7ce46c11268a6f87aab98d9a8f276fb54413fe2
Nice!!! You got it! Grats! Basically a guaranteed winner here!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
eh eh eh!! CUB ON!!
You probably need to lower the winners.
Maybe only have one winner.
Higher prizes means more engagement.
1st, 2nd, 3rd is a good option.
You could always SHA-256 hash a password to verify you posted the number before the winners were announced.
For example, if you SHA-256:
You get back:
You could then post 1aed310949b8bf9a5115c5a7bf38457bff1a0db6dedc943e9739a3cefd0a37e7 to the blockchain and prove what your number was after the fact. (in this case 1337)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah definitely gonna have to change it up. Thanks for the help.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
now I can't pick 1337 anymore... xE that was my number
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I throw in 10 CUBS as well!
You da man! My BSC address is 0x2f6174929f8AcE7AFFbe2d75FB8170D37B22bD10 for pooling.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is great, let's spread the wealth.
I really wished I could enter this give away, but as I'm too honest to do so, and can't hide that I have CUB transactions as I'm farming myself. Unfortunately not at a high speed but that's only because I can't add that much liquidity.
Anyway, keep up the good work ... and I wish everyone that enters the contest good luck.
I re-leo this post for more visibility 😊
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hi, I am in desparate need of some BNB so I can start, as I REALY have not figured out how to pay the transaction fees.
I have 1000 bleo and about 4cub from the airdrop siting there and now also 0.0013 btc as I thought I can then buy some BNB there, but it needs transaction fees in BNB as well. It is a dilema I have for a few days now. Somehow it seems only I have this issue lol.
It would be epic if you could help me get this going.
And yeah, it is embarrassing hahah 🤠
Coment twice and I upvote 100 % each as a thank you!
BSC address: 0x0FaC269a472982626D125B1a6Be04540999437fC
Also !BEER !invest_vote
Posted using Dapplr
Sent you a little BNB
What a legend you are , thank you so much!
!BEER !invest_vote
Posted using Dapplr
No problem :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ank you, all the best 🍀

Posted using Dapplr
That is why I love the comunity, now I can be a farmer for the first time! Ahhajah
thsnk you so much 💯🍀
Posted using Dapplr
View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.!BEER 🍻

Posted using Dapplr
View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.You may wish to try using the trust wallet to purchase BNB (BEP20 version). That is what I did. Made a post about it yesterday. I was in the same situation. You can do swaps between Ethereum (ERC-20), BSC (BEP-20), BNB (BEP2).
WEN? SOON!@leofinance is going to have a tool to simplify all of these things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@sandymeyer denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@sandymeyer thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Posted using Dapplr
Posted using Dapplr
Posted using Dapplr
View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
My Lucky Number: 0608 https://bscscan.com/address/0x31c7E2c2a53360692204fA8D214974463C5cBa29
i tried it several days before but don't got into the BSC Chain. Now im stacked 132 CUB already!!
Already made a HowTo in German how add Liquidity to several Pools.
Thanks and all the best!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry buddy, you're a bit late for this one. I'll do another one sometime this week.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ohh no :( please keep me in mind for the next one.
Cheers Buddy.
Sorry, you don't have enough staked BEER in your account. You need 24 BEER in your virtual fridge to give some of your BEER to others. To view or trade BEER go to hive-engine.com
10 CUB added to the pool :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
w00t!! Thanks @empoderat!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@stayten remember I asked you if you were on CubDefi
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great to meet you, I checked your blog page,
lots in common 💪😎👍
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope some of the newer users can join your giveaway. you can try to share your post on twitter so that more people see it
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't have a Twitter, they banned me! lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great initiative.
25 CUB's just went to your pool
More info why you see this.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
TORUK!!!!! Thank you!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How long does it take to unstake?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Instantly, for now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Number :237 https://bscscan.com/tx/0x315ee925e7afd266cecd8be0474580d80d41aa609c433c82c7b83142e0d14bdf
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Entry accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I added 1 CUB token to the CONTEST POOL. Good fortune to those that are entering!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This Gif LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Mean old Sarge just wants to treat depression with laughs.@themarkymark claims his gifs cures covid-19?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahaha ... I smiled too much at home when looking at this gif.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I was just trying to figure out where that came from lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are welcome.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky number: 1768
Nice! 100% verified first entry! Congrats! Thanks for deciding to join our family at CubDefi :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks mate! :)
Ah crap, yep. I didn't check your bscscan good enough, you've already bought and staked CUB! LOL this is NO LONGER A VALID ENTRY. Sorry! :(
This is for new users only. :(
The next giveaway I do will be for everyone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh sorry! Didn't read the last rule...
No problem 👍
Cheers 😊
:) I see you've made a couple of posts about CUB already, you hadn't bought any up until now?
Lucky Number: 1333 https://bscscan.com/tx/0x735d65010c5e9ad52af710b765c1b89f46b3bce6a9244089008131b2086a1757
This is actually the proper bscscan https://bscscan.com/tx/0x735d65010c5e9ad52af710b765c1b89f46b3bce6a9244089008131b2086a1757
Entry accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for the chance to get some CUB! fixed my post mb !
It's been long, happy to see your writeup about CUB... We move on!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
yes yes
Lucky Number 2333
303CUB add to the Pool :)
and that's just the beginning :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Entry accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
very nice write up for people new to DeFi.
Thank you so much.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My pleasure! Thanks!
I hope to get some more people to join who need a positive change of income :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
When is the drawing? I'm curious about defi as long as it doesn't involve Eth!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In about 3 days
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Doing god's work, mate!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
DeFi is the future for sure, I believe that anyone investing in CUB right now will be in some serious profit within the next few days.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry i have a question: if i want to use the dens option, do you know is there a min quantity of CUB required to stake or i can stake any quantity? (i know for your giveaway is 0.25 CUB)
thanks and great initiative!!
I do not believe there is a minimum.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool!! so also new users can use it!
Yep just keep in mind that you will need a small amount of BNB for transactions.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah i know work in progress :)
If you need help getting BNB just let me know, I've been making swaps for a lot of people since I'm not in the USA and can use Binance without any issues. You can feel free to DM me on Discord.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
oh thank you very much!! But i'm nearly there ;) thanks again
Lucky Number: 979 https://bscscan.com/tx/0x3aed066ad1ef53d8ecbe54f7b7ce46c11268a6f87aab98d9a8f276fb54413fe2
Though I already got a giveaway from you. ;)
Staked 1.8 CUB. And looking forward to staking more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Entry accepted!!
Hello @crystalhuman, I was about to complete all the steps and suddenly read the QUOTE mentioned below. I have already made the CUB transactions even though I am a newbie here. But no issues, I hope more and more people join the CUB Boat even if it means lowering of APR. At the end, the price of CUB is what matters the most!!!! It's should grow as with the growth of the Stakeholders and TVL. Nice initiative. Totally love it.
One suggestion though, please add this line before those 6 Steps. It will ensure users like me to step down even before we think of getting into the contest out of excitement. Haha!!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry about that! How long ago did you first stake your CUB?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Not a problem sir. I am glad that you guys have collectively given a great reason to the community members to get into the world of DeFi.
Almost 2 Days ago. Made a nice little post flexing my Farms & Dens. Haha!
Thank you, very good post. I wish I had seen this 4 days ago..
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice write up and thanks again for helping out with BNB as well as with all the work you're doing to spread the word.
I see you're helping loads of people. Perhaps you should start your own BNB ( B&B ) ;<)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a pretty spiffy post chockers full of info and you write well.
Good of you to arrange a #cub giveaway too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey this seems like... not the right spot to put this but maybe someone knows where it can go:
I appear to have encountered a bug, where adding more CUB to its Den erases any unrealized gains that I had. (I put in 0.446 CUB about a day and a half ago, so had 0.004 CUB waiting. Deposited 5 CUB, now I've got 5.446 CUB deposited and 0 waiting to be compounded/harvested.)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They get harvested if you add liquidity, they're in your wallet.
...I swear I checked those balances against my ledger to see if that was the case, and when I did earlier, it didn't check out.
I just checked it again and you're right. Thanks!
Posted via D.Buzz
Anytime :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope I am not too late into the party :o
My BSC Address: 0x7FC6bF5836A120BC7B5501Ea06275574AA8dB5fF
My lucky number: 55
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Entry accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You got a lot of fans!🥰🤗😜
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice one - I finally could claim and connect wallets, now in search of some BNB :-).
BSC adress: 0xb7c5Dff5cf75157e96Db2AE4EbDA265AB5aa299a
Lucky number 1069
Entry Accepted! (Please add the link to your bscscan.)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My lucky number will be 313!

And this is my BSC adress 0x6a14785B14b44611a3bd90f7F1a548A930754Db8
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
My apologies but you've already staked CUB before the time of this post, the next giveaway will be for everyone. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hey. First time on LeoFinance here, I cant seem to get my screenshot to upload.. its giving me tonnes of angry red error 500 text!
trying jpeg and png, neither working....
Still, heres the rest in case you deem me worthy of mercy:
BSC address: 0x97a5Aab2C0b38188F973B8A122EC3982e0063c38
Lucky number: 4321 transaction URL: https://bscscan.com/tx/0xed2c0346fcd77c58ea73ca39ae6b5091fed741e479875e43e391cff55b7481ef
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Confirmed entry!
For the record, if you have trouble uploading a pic you can first upload it to imgur then copy the link from there. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
ok sweet. Thanks for the confirmation and the advice : )
I love my cubs x
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
and even though my brain hurts from following all these basic instructions.... it was satisfying enough that I went and bought some more! now I have 4.3 Cubs in the den! Its very sneaky of you to make it sound so cute...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
number 1807
Sorry! This is for new users only, having overlooked your BSCscan it appears you have already staked some CUB prior to this post being made. The next giveaway I do will be for everyone.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you. I wasn't sure if it was before or after your post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky Number: 777
Entry Accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky Number: 810 :-) https://bscscan.com/tx/0x6387314ef04ca99e164798d043cc0bd86489ccd73eba73fb81b784224274f61f
Entry accepted!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky Number: 314
Entry accepted!!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Cool Stuff!
I'm locked out of H-E STILL
so I'm not playing, but it's great to see CRYSTAL running a cool contest!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is my Airdrop, nice work and cool Give-Away!
(edited) Luck Number: 1337https://bscscan.com/tx/0xb4ef29c4955b97f0b9a0ba8789948277448fce56b7700253d7de7336cd3dabe4
It's only the short time of exposure and the fewer shoutouts, where's Project Blank? I'll push it to Twitter as well.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
lol you can still pick 1337 I'm not eligible for this I'm funding it :D
I that case, I'll do that! --- Let me edit that real quick to the 'L33t pick'
Posted via D.Buzz
Entry accepted!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
100% Upvote, Follow, and Twitter Shoutout from my side.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Much appreciated! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are beyond welcome!
Posted via D.Buzz
Lucky Number : 777
Thank you !
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Entry accepted! Although, I think someone picked #777 already so you might want to double-check and change it if it's already taken. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you.
Second lucky number 3553
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I tried staking in the same den as you but once meta mask opens....It won't let me confirm.
I'm guessing I need some form of gas money. The only thing in there is my CUB.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You need BNB to do transactions on Binance Smart Chain. I am sending you a little to do it with now.
Entry accepted! (Just make sure to stake) :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you so much for the BNB!!!!
Here is my transaction.
And my number will be 3333
Thanks again for the help :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No problem! :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Nice action!
Feel free to join in :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lucky Number - 3241 https://bscscan.com/tx/0xcb6ed77bd2df500ca4c6101d034f189b74b322f4f25a1d7d50527a9ab12a561e
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry, you've already previously staked CUB.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
hi its cool toearn money by just voting people comment ..........isnt is great ..........wooooooooooohooooooooooo
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
View or trade
Hey @crystalhuman, here is a little bit of from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your
.@sandymeyer denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@sandymeyer thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !