Consistency in the Crypto Sphere!


One thing that is not always easy is the find the motivation to be present on a daily basis. To have a clear path in your head of what you want to reach and accomplish. Right now in my personal life, I have lost clarity of what I am trying to focus on in the crypto sphere.

I need to make a step back for trying to identify what I still love about the crypto sphere. To find the true purpose for the rest of the year 2023 and beyond.

Why I have lost clarity in the crypto sphere?

It is maybe the second bear in the last five years this industry has experienced. We had the ICOs bubble in 2017, then the NFTs craze in 2021. The pattern is always the same, always have all the assets increase so fast! Then the bubble burst with all the assets coming back to the center of the earth.

Maybe is the fact I am trying to build a stream of income without finding success. Deeply inside I feel I have not put my full energy into reaching the success I deserve. I cannot blame others because I am the one who needs to figure out what might work for me.

Come back to the drawing board

It is the right time to come back in full motion and take responsibility for my success. I need to take the time to figure out where I need to put my attention toward what I love doing in the crypto sphere.

I know deep inside I love the emergence of crypto and what it tries to accomplish in the world. For sure authorities and regulators try to impose their views to stop the progression of crypto. They fear losing power over the printing press.

What I find very exciting about crypto is the right to have control over your money. That no one can remove that fundamental right from you. Bitcoin has paved the way to create a new industry that is becoming more resilient and powerful each day.

Not giving up

I cannot give up despite I am not where I would like to be in the present moment. It is my duty to make the commitment to focus where I can make the much money as possible in less time. I need to put the number in a spreadsheet and be honest with myself.

Remove everything that does not produce value. My time is limited, and I need to get a certain amount of money if I would like to be full-time in the crypto space. It is not the reality at the moment. That is why is important to never give up and keep going no matter the obstacles I face in my life.

I am the architect of my success!!!


Life is a challenge and we need this to make progress toward something better. I would like to generate more revenue from the crypto sphere but I need to make a strong comeback.

Find the thing that works for me!

Have a wonderful day!