New WAX NFT Collection: Presidents of Crypto

As individuals who are interested in cryptocurrency, you may be aware of the growing popularity of NFTs or non-fungible tokens. Some crypto enthusiasts believe that NFTs are the next "big thing," and some even hold the belief that they will be the best investment opportunity since Bitcoin.

For many reasons, The NFT platform with arguably the greatest promise is WAX. Because of this, we have decided to launch our NFT collection on this platform.

Our collection is named Presidents of Crypto, and is a fun way to collect and show off artwork paying homage to the some of your favorite coins and tokens, and also to some of the greatest US presidents of all time.

To learn more, you can follow our Twitter account which will offer updates on the collection, as well as opportunities to win some of our NFTs for free!

We look forward to our release, and we hope you do as well!

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