Great article, I totally agree with your point of view although taxes must be paid to have an essential service, the problem is that the quality of services is often poor, and the money goes into the pockets of the pigs!
However, I would add that cryptocurrencies are also a threat because they take away the power over monetary policy, which has effectively stolen on the sly, the money of many savers (and their pensions) in the form of inflation.
In my opinion there is however a very high risk in the deregulated and anonymous use of cryptocurrencies and that is that they risk ending up mainly in the hands of financial institutions, the same financial institutions responsible for financial crises and loan shark rates on home loans, that is, that our lives will go from being controlled and regulated by democratically elected governments (more or less, we know they are still controlled by a certain elite) to being controlled by a group of mega-rich people able to control market prices, or even worse able to impose their vision on project developments.
I've been thinking about this for a long time, and I can't get this out of my head, is this really a good thing that's happening?