The Loss of Purchasing Power: Where Are We Heading?


Money can buy less and less each day. Salaries simply don't go as far as they used to. According to a recent video, with the same salary that 40 years ago allowed you to comfortably cover your needs, today you can barely buy the bare minimum.

This deterioration of purchasing power is not an isolated phenomenon. It reflects deeper systemic problems in the global economy, which have worsened in recent decades. Inflation has skyrocketed, yet wages remain stagnant. The cost of essential goods like food, energy, and housing rises vertiginously. Meanwhile, economic inequality continues to increase. A small elite hoards most of the wealth, while the middle class shrinks and the poor become poorer.

The global financial system seems designed to transfer wealth to the top. Central banks flood markets with cheap money, which ends up in the pockets of large corporations and investors. This inflates speculative bubbles that inevitably burst, harming the general populace.

Governments take on unsustainable levels of debt, and then "bail out" banks with taxpayer money when faced with crisis. Thus, profits are privatized but losses are socialized. Losses are socialized while profits are privatized. These types of policies concentrate wealth in fewer hands.

Lately we have accepted many absurd impositions, such as prolonged lockdowns during the pandemic. Now they intend to implement CBDCs (digital currencies issued by central banks) and an "individual carbon footprint tracker" that monitors every aspect of our lives.

With CBDCs and carbon footprint monitoring, banks and governments will be able to regulate what we buy and do. Your financial freedom will disappear. Digital currencies will have expiration dates to force spending. They could even prevent you from acquiring goods deemed "harmful."

The individual carbon tracker will create a record of all your movements, travels, and decisions. If the system detects you exceed your "allowed emissions quota", it will simply block purchases and activities. A big brother that watches everything.

These changes reflect the loss of traditional values in today's society. A herd mentality is encouraged, stifling individuality and critical thinking. We are bombarded from a young age to hack our minds. Children grow disoriented, unable to question the imposed reality.

Faced with growing unhappiness, the elites propose false solutions like drugs and virtual reality. They want to immerse us in alternative worlds so we do not face real problems. But these distractions only sink us further into misery.

We need to reconnect with our humanity. We must reclaim essential values like freedom, dignity, and mutual respect. Let us not allow our minds to be manipulated. Think independently. Be masters of our own lives.

We are still in time to change course before it is too late. But change must start with ourselves. Let us work to be better people, more aware and compassionate. Let us nurture human relationships. Let us build strong communities, not docile herds.

It is crucial to become informed and educated about these issues. Share this information with others. Only the truth will set us free. Let us demand transparency and accountability from our institutions. Value the common good above personal gain.

We must raise our voices and defend our dignity. March peacefully to express our rejection of control and manipulation. Pressure politicians to represent the people, not the elites. Vote for candidates committed to social justice.

Together we can build a more equitable world, where everyone's needs are met. A world of peace and harmony between peoples. Where technology serves the common good rather than enslaving us. Where creativity and solidarity flourish. Where money is but a means, and true wealth is living with purpose, meaning and dignity. The future is in our hands.

The images presented in the publication are my property and creation (Photopea)