What is very obvious these days is we are all really early not just being in crypto, but earning online. What is clear is what we are doing on HIVE is not seen as normal and is totally out of the normal persons realm of knowledge. This will not always be the case however and why it is important to keep the bigger picture in mind and to not lose focus.
We have all been handed a winning hand and knowing that we need to use this to our advantage for as long as possible. I am in no hurry right now for masses to enter through the HIVE backdoor via an app as that is where the majority will arrive.
With all the development taking place the trickles of new users being attracted will turn into steady streams before the floodgates open. The network affect is that powerful and we need to give it time to take affect as it will happen. When no one knows as when it happens it can happen very quickly. Mist of us are aware of the mass adoption charts where the first 15% takes as long as the next 75% so the onboarding is 5 x faster in the second time frame.
Personally I was blown away when HIVE reached $3.41 in November as my entire crypto portfolio reached around $250K which is in many ways surreal and hard to believe. That would be nothing now as growth has taken place since then and why looking at the bigger picture is important to see where you have come from. When prices come back to the November ATH that number will be well over $300K as every crypto investment has grown.
These are the growing years to take advantage of the time we have before the outsiders see what is happening inside. As unbelievable as it may feel we just have to keep on going building the biggest stake possible on whatever projects we are vested in. The ability to be able to grow ones wealth by these types of figures is literally insane yet many are doing it and have been doing it for many years.
Most of the wealth being generated is new money and why the old established wealth is very nervous as the times are changing and a bit like the changing of the guard. What we are doing on HIVE has the ability to change millions of lives and they will find it as we are way ahead of the curve right now. Give it time and in the meantime remain focused and grow as fast as you can. Many say crypto could go to zero which is true, but I am betting it does the exact opposite and explodes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very insightful. What a privilege we have as early adopters. We must be more intentional in BUILDing while the prices are still low.
Sooner, with the pace of development on Hive, things will change and that suddenly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No we aren't ready but crypto is changing at a rapid pace being more friendly and secure as time goes on. Masses in social media like HIVE will happen and just need patience. Many will join via a dapp or game or some other which we have not seen yet and being able to earn crypto will all be new for them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true that ignorance is the major factor hindering mass adoption. It is either they are naïve in learning something new or our marketing have not reached the deserving audience yet.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta