Russia To Launch Free Cancer Vaccine in 2025

in LeoFinance3 months ago (edited)


Apparently Russia has used AI technology to develop a cancer vaccine which goes to show how great AI can be if used in the right areas if this is indeed true. Everyone is worried about the bad things of AI, but if channeled in the ight directions the possibilities are endless. This is most likely a very bad day for Western medicine and big Pharma companies as there goes their cash cow, but it will be great for all of us. Free is not often a word you would associate with big pharma and I really hope Russia does have the start of a cure.

I think we have all wondered if here is a cure for cancer and if here is why is it is not being offered and held back. The obvious answer would be at it is more profitable for drug companies to offer a whole host of procedures costing an arm and a leg instead of offering a simple injection.

The article stated that this Russian vaccine will be offered to cancer patients and not just the general public. These vaccines are tailor made to the patients needs to combat whatever cancer their body needs to fight. After receiving the injection it was noted that the patients bodies started fighting the cancer cells. The patients tested lived cancer free for longer than expected or survived longer than expected.

The positive take from all of this is the drug companies in the West now have a competitor and they can no longer act like they have no cure. The problem is do we trust the drug companies enough after what they have been doing with the Covid vaccines and I would say a big no.

We all know this is about big money and for those conspiracy theorists amongst us also about reducing world population. In South Africa treating cancer can cost as much as R2 million per year or $110K and I would imagine that is cheap compared to the US and other parts of the world. This is why suddenly having a vaccine that can potentially "cure" cancer is still a very big positive as it may open up what has been hidden from us for all of these years.

I think we have all known loved ones or friends that have been affected by cancer and this would or should give people hope even though we are very skeptical. I can recall the days in SA when AIDS was ravaging the population with roughly 30% having contracted the disease. These days it is only around 15% so a massive drop and this is down to the drugs being available. At one point it was so bad if you wanted a home loan you required an AIDS test first highlighting how bad things were.

Thankfully I have never had cancer so cannot talk for those that have, but my mother became very ill two years ago with what can only be side affects from the Covid vaccine. Her illness is an incurable disease and there is nothing worse than knowing your fate. From her perspective she is disappointed in medical scientists and the research taking place saying that it is looking more like things have been placed on hold with no major break throughs. This cancer vaccine if true does kind of change things and I am sure we will see a huge leap in medical discovery over the next few years once AI is put to work.

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remember the last russia effort for vaccine?

I worked with cancer research for 12 years. Basic research in cancer biology. There isn't a disease called cancer...Cancer has hundred of different diseases. The probability of finding an universal cure for cancer is low. My master's was with bladder cancer and PhD with lung cancer in non-smokers. Different molecules overexpressed and mutations there... different cells origin these cancers. It is the same thing as saying that you find a universal cure for viruses or bacteria!

russia effort

This time, it's probably more about mass media efforts to sell a therapy as a cancer vaccine.

From here: Gemini AI translate:

Во-вторых, врачи подчеркивают – это не волшебное средство, а скорее способ усилить иммунную терапию. И будет применяться с ней в комплексе

Doctors emphasize that this is not a miracle cure, but rather a way to enhance immunotherapy. It will be used in conjunction with it

показать иммунной системе больного раком человека, как отличить здоровую клетку от злокачественной

to show the immune system of a person with cancer, how to distinguish a healthy cell from a malignant one

[В 2025-м] В клиническом исследовании смогут принять участие [пациенты с] подтвержденным диагнозом

[In 2025,] Patients with a confirmed diagnosis of tumors will be able to participate in the clinical study.

AI isn't mentioned at all.

Here: they mentioned AI as a tool of analysis of genes during therapy.

The first sentence starts to make more sense! There are some efforts like that already, for example some type of cancer there is a good outcome of using BCG vaccine ( an old tuberculosis available vaccine) in order to have this effect in bladder cancer. You make the immune system more active in order to start fighting also against the tumor. So without looking into the real scientific data this news from a russia media we can wait for something more plausible, thanks bringing that! I am still willing to see their data though to understand better all the mechanism!

While I would love for this to be true, but...

It is probably the same as the Russian Armata tank that exists and we saw it once on a parade where it managed to stall, but when it comes to the war in Ukraine for some reason Armata is nowhere to be found and they are using the tanks built in 1950's...

Consider me very cautiously optimistic. It seems much too good to be true.

You have a good rational :)