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RE: TORUK was here

in LeoFinance4 years ago

I am surprised you lasted this long as that is insane. Not every comment is a decent comment and authors should be upvoting any comment on their posts in my opinion. This is a common courtesy and not up to you to do for them. Any vote should be appreciated large or small.
Kilroy was here was well known during the second world war so leaving your call sign is pretty neat lol. This is all about having fun so why not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yes, I agree with you.
I did this with only one intention - trying people to encourage, by any possible way, to comment, discuss, engage.
Perhaps many expected this (UP to all and everyone) will not last very long.
Just about to end now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is kind of fake and a bit charity like if everyone gets it for commenting. Maybe I am just a bit harsher in how I think but I can't change that. It is like turning up expecting when you haven't done much.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta