The current process of incorporating Leo's Glossary definitions into our articles is somewhat laborious.
LeoFlow simplifies glossary usage and reduces post construction time.
The current process of incorporating Leo's Glossary definitions into our articles is somewhat laborious.
LeoFlow simplifies glossary usage and reduces post construction time.
Thank you. It's a good tool!
The page looks so orange it kind of burns the eyes. Or maybe just me :)
It is Leo Orange 😄, but thanks for the feedback... @thorkellnft is this too orange?
I know :) The orange is derived from the Leo pages. It's good actually, but with all those on a page, it feels hurting to the eyes. But might not be the same case for others. 😉
I suppose that i open to create several themes, and that the user chooses 😂
Thanks for the feedback, without a doubt more themes will be added, so you can choose the one you like the most.
Aah, that's great to know. Thank you for your awesome job! It makes me wonder though, what if Leo's URL changes due to the rebranding, how will the links get affected?
With a single click the problem of changing the URL is solved, but I am working on making the process totally automatic, either for changes of URL or new terms added in LeoGlossary.
Oh wow! That's amazing then! Thank you for this. It will truly be a game changer!