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RE: How I paid for my own medical degree myself with 0 loans. I am a self-made doctor.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Today I was a little sad and discouraged and didn't want to write, but stories like yours serve as inspiration, you are a young guy, you have a lot of life ahead of you, may God grant you the requests of your heart.

You know what I liked the most about your story, that you sent money to your parents, you didn't care if they needed it or not, that's honoring your parents.

I hope you have a lot of success

Hoy estaba un poco triste y desanimada no quería escribir, pero historia como la tuya sirven de inspiración, eres un chico joven, tienes mucha vida por delante, permita Dios te conceda las peticiones de tu corazon.

Sabes que fue lo que más me gustó de tu historia, que le enviaba dinero a tus padres,, no te importaba si lo necesitaran o no, eso es honrar a tus padres.

Espero tengas muchos exitos


Never forget that you are an inspiration to others as well. At times, we all lead our lives considering it to be mundane or unimportant, but in fact we are someone else's inspiration always. I am deeply touched by your kind words.

Oye desde donde estoy un gran abrazo, imagino las difíciles cosas que estás pasando, pero siente consuelo que a pesar de todo yo me sentí inspirada por ti, por tu vida y por todo lo que estás viviendo, se que no somos casualidad y yo disfruto leer muchas publicaciones pero la tuya fue súper especial, espero puedas solucionar todo y me escribas después lo positivo para que yo me alegre contigo

Hey from where I am a big hug, I imagine the difficult things you are going through, but feel comforted that despite everything I felt inspired by you, by your life and everything you are living, I know we are not casual and I enjoy reading many publications but yours was super special, I hope you can solve everything and then write me the positive for me to be happy with you.