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RE: Valueplan The Numbers June 2024 Payouts & Payouts Year To Date. Some Questions to the Valueplan's Top Recipients.

in LeoFinance8 months ago

I'm just getting back to things after a rather unfortunate injury, so I've been a bit out of it for a month or so! Thanks to all of you for the kind words, but yes, any transfers I accept from funding sources always have full descriptions in their public memos, are always fully paid by me up front, and usually reimbursed around a month or so later (depending on my financial status) when an invoice or receipt is provided. This year does look particularly egregious, as I middle-manned some funds for marketing work with players like Binance (one of the biggest transfers) and conference organizers.

It is a bit true that when I pay for costs up front, and then need to withdraw reimbursements to fiat, I'm incurring tax penalties. This is at current a bit unavoidable, so I'm doing my best to try to find a more safe and viable way to continue to contribute as it has had a small net negative impact on my financially- more and more options for paying with crypto or having companies swap or have their own wallets will definitely help in the future. Totally fine if you want to comb thru this stuff and leave me in there, it's part of what's being discussed in the post!
