That´s why the 3 day convertion to HBD/Hive ? To make 1usd / 1hbd on hive current price? Current when the pay is done or at the time of received deposit?
Thanks for this post, awesome as usual!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That´s why the 3 day convertion to HBD/Hive ? To make 1usd / 1hbd on hive current price? Current when the pay is done or at the time of received deposit?
Thanks for this post, awesome as usual!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is just a guess but I would think it is to prevent manipulation. With such a small market, instant impact could open things up to massive manipulation.
Thus, an average over 3 days is a lot harder to move. When the average is taken into account, those who see opportunities will take advantage and profit. However, a bit harder to game.
That is just a guess and I would welcome others who have more information on that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
But there is a way to trade it in the moment could be. But i dont know either! There are some aspects of the network functionality not hidden but not organized well enough to be accessible =/
Is this account im talking to official or just a taskmaster´s fan acount?
It is my leo account. Both are the same person.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Haha i have to ask! =P
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