1/ 🧵 Today in @kingofduels I surpassed the 4000 battles! A big milestone for me to be honest. Why? Because it long time to get here. #KingOfDuels #ZealyGaming #threadstorm
1/ 🧵 Today in @kingofduels I surpassed the 4000 battles! A big milestone for me to be honest. Why? Because it long time to get here. #KingOfDuels #ZealyGaming #threadstorm
2/ 🧵 Sometimes one game can last seconds, but sometimes it gets several minutes. It takes time to create the strategies to beat your opponent and get a victory.
3/ 🧵 Do you want to play for free】? Check out my referral link in here 👉 https://www.kingofduels.online/login/cpol No need to buy anything up front! Come on and check it out!