It has been happening for some time now that cryptocurrencies are invading different sectors in different parts of the world and sport is a great place for not only crypto to establish their flag, but an excellent opportunity to publicize and attract more investors.
We know that football is the most popular sport in the world and it is becoming increasingly common for professional teams to have their shirt sponsored with a cryptocurrency or even with a related company, as was the case with CoinMarketCap that sponsored a Israel team.
But this time I found something very, very interesting involving tokenization with a football club. Recently Vasco da Gama, one of the most popular teams in Brazil, closed a sponsorship with the Mercado Bitcoin, one of the main Exchanges in the country and together they created something new, Vasco Token.
But this token in particular is not dedicated only to Vasco fans, what makes the token innovative is that all players trained at the base of the club will have a digital portion of 1 per 500 thousand of the Solidarity Mechanism's rights over the players .
This means that any national or international transfer will yield a profit for the forming club and in this case too, all investors will receive proportional investment. The interesting thing is that players like Philippe Coutinho, Paulinho and Mateus Vital are players who have already left the club, but are fit for this type of future transfer.
The cool thing is that anyone who has an account in the Mercado Bitcoin will be able to start buying your token. We can even start with just R$ 100 (US$ 19.60) In total, there will be 500 thousand tokens issued on the ETH blockchain.
Well, but as we all know that every investment is your degree of risk. We are saying that the token will represent a portion of a gambler and not its entirety. The player trained in São Januário may have chances of having a great success in football, but he can also be a simple player that will not bring profits even for the club, much less for investors. It is up to the investor to better evaluate and monitor the performance of promising futures.
What if fashion catches on?
I am very excited about what the future will bring. If other clubs not necessarily just Brazilian but in any team in the world start to apply this same form it will be something revolutionary. Imagine how much this would impact a football club financially?
It is very common to see large investors financially helping a football club that is experiencing difficulties, this has been due to poor management results previously and I can mention the recent case of Cruzeiro, one of the traditional Brazilian football clubs at the moment in Serie B.
Certainly many passionate investors will adhere to this new way of investing in football and who knows, we may also see it in other sports like Basketball or even Volleyball? The time will be very beneficial with cryptocurrencies in the coming years and tokenization is already a reality for us.
Já acontece há algum tempo que as criptomoedas estão invadindo diversos setores em diferentes partes do mundo e o esporte é um ótimo lugar para não só os criptoativos estabelecerem sua bandeira, mas uma excelente oportunidade para divulgar e atrair mais investidores.
Sabemos que o futebol é o esporte de maior popularidade no mundo e já estpa se tornando cada vez mais comum equipes profissionais terem sua camisa com um patrocínio estampado com alguma criptomoeda ou até mesmo com alguma empresa relacionada, como foi o caso do CoinMarketCap que patrocinou um time de Israel.
Mas dessa vez achei algo muito, mas muito interessante envolvendo a tokenização com um clube de futebol. Recentemente o Vasco da Gama, um dos principais times de maior popularidade no Brasil fechou um patrocínio com o Mercado Bitcoin, uma das principais Exchanges do país e juntos criaram algo inédito, o Vasco Token.
Mas esse token em especial não é dedicado somente para os torcedores do Vasco, o que traz o token ser inovador é que todos os jogadores formados na base do clube terão uma parcela digital de 1 por 500 mil dos direitos do Mecanismo de Solidariedade sobre os jogadores.
Isso quer dizer que toda transferência nacional ou internacional irá render lucro para o clube formador e nesse caso também, todos os investidores receberão proporcional aplicado. O interessante é que jogadores como Philippe Coutinho, Paulinho e Mateus Vital são jogadores que já deixaram o clube, mas estão aptos para esse tipo de transferência futura.
O legal é que qualquer pessoa que tenha conta no Mercado Bitcoin poderá começar a comprar seu token. Podemos inclusive comaçar com apenas R$ 100 (US$ 19,60) No total, serão 500 mil tokens emitidos na blockchain ETH.
Bem, mas como todos nós sabemos que todo investimento seu teu grau de riscos. Estamos falando que o token irá representar uma parcela de um jodador e não sua totalidade. O jogador formado em São Januário poderá ter chances de ter um grande sucesso no futebol, mas também pode ser um simples jogador que não trará lucros nem para o clube e muito menos para os investidores. Cabe o investidor avaliar e acompanhar melhor o desempenho dos futuros promissores.
E se a moda pega?
Estou bem animado com o que o futuro irá nos reservar. Se outros clubes não necessariamente apenas brasileiro mas em qualquer time do mundo começar a aplicar essa mesma forma será algo revolucionário. Imaginem o quanto que isso iria impactar financeiramente um clube de futebol?
É muito comum ver investidores de grande porte ajudarem financeiramente um clube de futebol que está passando por dificuldades, isso por resultados de péssimas gestão anteriormente e posso citar o caso recente do Cruzeiro, um dos clubes tradicionais do futebol brasileiro está nesse momento na Série B.
Certamente muitos investidores apixonados irão aderir a essa nova forma de investir no futebol e quem sabe poderemos ver isso também em outros esportes como o Basquete ou até mesmo o Vôlei? O tempo será muito benéfico com as criptomoedas nos próximos anos e a tokenização já é realidade para nós.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This was a very interesting read. I couldn't imagine that football would be reaching those levels this soon. I didn't see anything close to this level until now. I saw something on buying tokens for some clubs (like PSG, Independiente from Argentina, Barça) for having a voice in making some decisions for the club but I don't remember that so well. I can't even recall the platform tbh. Then you have things like sorare (which I realized not so long ago, even when it was launched something like two years ago) but nothing was like that, having a very famous club in Brazil doing this
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's amazing to see how cryptocurrency exchanges are sponsoring events & creating there own cryptocurrency they have start move forward to tokenization and normal people can also buy and profit for me
It is a great advance and for us enthusiasts it is a real achievement!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well, soon everything will be tokenized, sports, entertainment, jobs, everything.
This is the new reality and we have to adapt to it, the good thing is that we can benefit from this digital era.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I also believe that everything will be tokenized and for our benefit, it shouldn't be long.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The embrace of crypto by the sports industry would be the biggest booster for crypto. This is because we have very passionate people in the sports sector and that spirit pushed into crypto would lead to the moon!
It will be great to see more cryptomeods joining sports in the coming years. We are facing the future!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Appealing Nice way to learn and earn at the same time Crypto world is here!!! Daily Manager
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are right and welcome to LeoFinance! Be consistent in your posts and increase your activity in the comments that more whales will help you on your LEO journey.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sponsoring a team in big evens gathers more attention which is directly impact the value.. this is a nice way to promote the crypto..
Thanks for sharing
You're absolutely right. Sport is a great place for cryptocurrencies to have more exposure worldwide. In the coming years we will reap the rewards of these initiatives.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is good move towards tokenization .... I believe there's more of this coming next year.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I also believe and hope that more sports will follow the same path.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta