One of the scientists responsible for the invention of AI does not know what General AI is; and she has good reasons for that
Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is a type of automatic system that can successfully perform any intellectual task performed by humans. Not only that: this type of artificial intelligence must also be able to make judgments and reason in a situation of uncertainty based on learning and training, as well as communicate through natural language, planning or learning.
Some experts use the terms “General Artificial Intelligence” and “Strong Artificial Intelligence” as consequences, but others prefer to restrict this last name only to systems that are aware of their own existence and that, therefore, have the ability to develop their own functions. , feelings and experiences. Currently we may have the feeling that AGI is close, but it is important not to forget that the AIs that are within our reach today are still a long way from that.
Fei-Fei Li is a scientist and a global authority on AI - even known as “the godmother of AI”. Although she was born in China, she graduated in the USA and developed a brilliant academic career focused on research in the field of AI. She currently directs the Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence at Stanford University (USA), but she has also co-founded several companies and even held a responsible position at Google.
From her words it is clear that she does not seem to agree with the most widespread definitions of AGI. In fact, Fei-Fei Li talks about a future AI capable of understanding the real world in which human beings live, but it doesn't promise any deadline - and perhaps that's for the best. If anyone has the right to talk about the subject, it is the “godmother of AI”.