
Well it is the future at least for chatbots. We will see them become more prevalent and contoured to the individual.

Welcome to the future of machines.

probably robots will take over

Yeah! Without a doubt.

They will certainly outnumber the humans by the amount of 10 to 1. We are going to see tens of billions of robots although many will not be on Earth.

I will start to be afraid when one machine will produce another machine with artificial intelligence.

From then on, without the help of human hands, they will no longer need us.

Well the question is one of sentience. Will machines become "live"?

Not alive, but having your own conscience is scary hahaha...

Perhaps this point is another way of saying that machines are "alive", but not like us.

Computers already do calculations much faster and with greater accuracy than you could ever do.

So there are many areas where we cannot compete.