
We already did. Lets now do it again. LOL

Time to increase the total comments made from the Leofinance interface.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So let's go :)

Tomorrow it will be much bigger because we will not be lacking subjects with airdrop, CUB platform and maybe about ProjectBlank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL you are in least according to @leomarkettalk.

Yes well we didnt get much insight to projectblank nor any details on CUB. But CubFinance seems to be something that is really going to be big. Some are calling it a game changer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah yes, it's true :)

Well, I'm really excited about this new horizon for LeoFinance and I intend to learn how this new DeFi universe works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DeFi and NFTs are getting a lot of news. These are two things that seem to be providing grand opportunities to people.

We will have to see where this all takes us over the next year.

Either way, I think LEO will head higher simply because there are a lot more projects that will be built upon this. The fact that we are at $5 million in market cap right now shows we are at a strong starting point.

$50 million is not going to be difficult.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it's true, it's amazing to see how NFTs are on the rise. The trend is for these two areas to become more solid in the coming years.

The rise in LEO will be something natural because with so many projects coming and all tokenized, we will really be able to see their market value go up 10x more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LEO, the token, is a bit different than most things out there since it is being tied to a multi-faceted set of applications. It is looking to go in many different directions, creating value at every step along the way.

Therefore, a 10x like you cite is almost assured if the development that is being discussed comes into being.

Just ProjectBlank along could increase the total userbase by 50K and the numbers by at least double.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta