Musk treated Optimus as a “fundamental transformation for civilization” that was created to be accessible to everyone in the near future. Among the tasks listed to be performed autonomously by the robot are: bringing shopping, picking up mail, being a teacher or babysitter, watering plants, cleaning the kitchen and serving drinks.
A good part of these functions were shown to the guests, who were able to see Optimus robots dancing choreographies, playing rock-paper-scissors, talking, posing for selfies and even taking the initiative to ask people's names and if they were ok.
Musk treated Optimus as a “fundamental transformation for civilization” that was created to be accessible to everyone in the near future. Among the tasks listed to be performed autonomously by the robot are: bringing shopping, picking up mail, being a teacher or babysitter, watering plants, cleaning the kitchen and serving drinks.
A good part of these functions were shown to the guests, who were able to see Optimus robots dancing choreographies, playing rock-paper-scissors, talking, posing for selfies and even taking the initiative to ask people's names and if they were ok.