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RE: Leo Talk 3/25/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Worse than the blockages are the taxes that are running out of us little by little ... Every week the prices of food and hygiene utensils increase ... The fuels keep rising and every time I refuel I see a different price and still I’m not walking much on the street.

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Tell me about it. Same thing over here; there's no lock down in my country anymore but things keep increasing and what get me worked up has a student is how to support my two retired parents which the government doesn't give there pensions. And this is happening because there no drive for personal improvement they want for the country.

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Hm that sucks , where are you from if I may ask ?

This is happening here in India too , taking the pension has become such a big problem here for old age people , it really sucks .

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Make money in crypto and then dont tell them about it.

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Lol , that's what I do or atleast trying to do ;p

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Keep building and growing and you will find success.

It is not brain surgery and the path is easy to follow. Just do it.

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Thank you :) Giving my best nowadays , haven't really wasted a minute , have been doing something or the other .

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Yea it definitely is unsustainable. The packages took half a year to pass in Congress so the payments are actually what people needed 6 months ago. I wish they understood what the people needed and get it to them faster rather than bickering or filling their own coffers.

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The problem is that they really care about the population ... Unfortunately, we know that this is practically impossible.

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When they don't know to handle the situation , they just go for lockdowns , it has been proven that it won't work but the government doesn't care . They just want to show to others that they are doing something even if it is utter stupidity .

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That is how Congress operates. It is always behind. What they dole out now was needed last year. What they start to talk about now is needed immediately.

Of course they have to play their games for the cameras to ensure they get the publicity they need.

None of this actually helps people.

That is why we need to take all the power we can from them. People who support either party are feeding it, screwing themselves.

The Biden voters are going to learn what a catastrophe they set up.

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I think they already have. All those union workers lost their jobs. The kids are essentially in the cage facilities. Riots and protests have not stopped. Violence has not stopped. A bunch of people got removed from the stimulus checks and much more.

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Well that is what I get for not watching the news.

Is that stuff evident to the average sheeple?

I cannot believe the mainstream news is out there touting what you just mentioned. The likes of CNN will do all they can to hide it.

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Yea but I was surprised that CNN came out with the border crisis first out of the news networks. I guess they might start chasing the money.

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Yeah well after Trump's exit, ratings are for shit and few (other than the braindead) trust or believe them.

They are looked upon as a Biden/Democrat stooge.

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Today's video feed of Biden's speech was so bad. It was so obvious that they screened the questions since Biden was naming the reporters directly.

He refused to talk about any foreign issues and was a nothing burger. It only shows how bad our country has changed and the new media are interpreting Biden's answers for him.

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Can't agree more . The diesel and petrol here has touched 1.5$/Lt . It used to be around 90 cents if you calculate in dollar terms and has almost went up by 60% . All the farmers are finding it very difficult to pay the fuel prices for their tractor and other machines .

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That is what happens when you have every oil company in the world shutting down production because of a glut in oil. Couple that with the idea of closing pipelines and you get a shortage of oil.

Of course, few of the brainiacs in the general public understand that things such as food production and transportation depends upon oil for production.

Add that to the food shortage resulting from the global shutdown and we can see how some areas are going to enter famine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

true that! i dont know if i can attribute the hardship in my country to covid but a lot has changed for many households since the pandemic. the cost of living is way above the roof and there is a lot of scared and depressed youths in the street uncertain about their future.

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It is true, in many places things have gotten much worse. Unemployment, hunger and misery are one of the factors that have intensified because of the pandemic, but I hope that things can change for the better as soon as possible.

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The tyranny across the world is pathetic. We need to stand up and rise against these politicians and bureaucrats.

What they are doing to people are criminal.

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What they are doing to people are criminal.

All the criminals have become politicians , that's the problem . Here so many journalists gets threat calls ( I am sure it is the same over there in US too ) that many fear to talk against them . I literally give 0 crap when dealing with government , last month I complained to the higher authority about lack of information regarding a particular document and I had to travel back and forth 13 times to get it . Once I complained , I got my document next day .

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In the US, the media is in bed with the agenda.

And I think you meant to say all politicians are criminals. There are many criminals out there who aren't politicians. LOL

We also have the problem with bureaucrats. These people are miserable, arrogant, and the system protects them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

the media is in bed with the agenda.

Same here , all the major news channels are affiliated to one of the other major political party .

all politicians are criminals.

Oh yeah right , that's what I wanted to say .

We also have the problem with bureaucrats.

Here it is a 50/50 situation , certain bureaucrats are very good , honest and really want to work for the people and also they go face to face against the government but the other half are as you said arrogant .

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Even if they are good, they are a hindrance. That is what happens with government, it is the most inefficient model there is.

Yet we have to put up with it for so many areas of our lives.

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That's true , that's why I always support grass-level democracy . Here we have something called as panchayat - it is village level democracy , we elect member among ourselves and since everyone knows everyone we hold them accountable if they don't do a good job for our village .

But this doesn't happen everywhere because of town administrators who actually have more powers than village head.

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It seems the higher ups always have more power and influence.

This is why we see these disconnected representatives that dont care about what is happening. Just keep winning elections is all they care about.

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And probably all politicians become criminals lol

It's funny, but it's tragic ...

There is so much bureaucracy to try to solve our problems that when it is something we need to do, the authorities do not even want to know about delays ...

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It is why we need to break away from the system. Keep developing and growing and the hell with them. Do not even invite them into the virtual world.

Cut them off at the knees to remove their power.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You said everything and I will do it.

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Yeah I have seen a very few politicians who have remained honest and worked for the people and guess what most of those politicians are unmarried ;p

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I heard about a bill proposed in Canada about cutting the politicians salary to cut down deficit. That politician's bill got rejected by everyone else and last I saw, they were planning to kick him out.

If only these politicians took a cut to their paycheck like their citizens, then they might understand.

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Oh this actually happened in India after the COVID 19 . In the first session itself they agreed to not take a months salary but we all knew this is a gimmick played by them to gain sympathy and nothing else .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And the population will just see all of it and will not do anything in the next election ... they will forget everything.

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Could it be that the problem lies with their wives for corruption?

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Yeah , they keep on earning for their family and next generation and seems like nothing is enough for them .

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Greed only hurts mankind. Nothing is enough ...

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This is true, the worst is that many people are accommodated with the crumbs, it is that old saying of "bread and circus". I have no doubt that Brazil today is better known for its corruptions than for football, beach and samba as it was known abroad in the past ...

With the latest decisions by the Supreme Court I feel more disgusted in politics ... Next year we will have elections and I am even afraid to know the options.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL Elections?

Look at what the United States just did. Does anyone in their right mind trust election results?

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It is true, they stole the elections there in the face and without any shame ... As we already know ... it is trying to do everything so that in the not too distant future we can manage not to depend on banks, governments and anyone else.

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