The kind of foresight a good futurist can bring to bear is invaluable for social evolution. I suspect that you may well be one of 'the good ones'. I do, however, have one point of contention with your vision as presented so far (finally).
In your posts and videos that I have viewed so far I get a sense that you see TOTAL Decentralization as an objective. Of course I may well be somewhat myopic in this view. My contention is that human nature demands some measure of 'central authority', even blockchain technology must follow certain 'rules' in order to function.
We are now seeing the monetization process moving online. No longer is money based in or upon the physical world. Instead, we have an innovation that was developed entirely in the digital. This gives it completely different properties which are a major threat to the existing system.
I believe you are quite correct in this. You also correctly point out how centralized authority has been perpetrating oppression (tyranny) on the masses for some hundreds of years (actually this has been prevalent throughout all of recorded human history).
I have and will continue to argue that the fundamental reason for this is that systems of Civil Law have always been predicated on Moral principles (the concept of 'The Good') which are subjective and susceptible to interpretation rather than being based in Objective and definitive Ethical principles. Until such time as we see fit to change this, little of real consequence can be achieved in the way of positive social change. The fact that digital systems are entirely reliant upon Logic to function is exactly why, as you point out, they are becoming a threat to the status quo. It is also a supporting argument for my analysis of Civil Law.
Unfortunately I believe to many people see digital decentralization as a means to achieve universal democracy. What so few understand is the lesson of ancient Athens: once a population exceeds a certain size the inability of the large majority to be as knowledgeable as is necessary to continually cast wise votes means the system (in a pure form) will always break down. This is what our founders here in America knew as 'the Tyranny of the Masses' and is the reason our nation was set up as a Democratic Republic and not a 'pure' democracy.
There will always be some need for central authority. Fortunately, as you so often point out, we have a mechanism that will allow us to achieve the change necessary and so long as we work together to move that mechanism forward there is little that can stop the juggernaut.
Keep up the awesome work and together we will transform your insight into the clarion call to action that is needed to drive the juggernaut in the direction we all need it to go!
Blessed be