I really wish I could see how you manage to research info for all of the posts you make. Truly admire the work.
This article is exactly why I decided to join Hive. You are so correct when you point out the potential for cryptocurrency to completely change the global economic dynamic. I particularly love how this article showcases the potential to shift the financial benefit of research from the 'empowered' few to a decentralized communal prosperity most especially in an economic sense.
In his comment @borislavzlatanov expresses a hope that one day we will see funding proposals here on Hive. My principle reason for joining the Hive ecosystem is to make that happen. In my introductory post back in Jan. of this year I introduced an idea to create a community here specifically for that purpose. The concept is for the community to be a 'think tank' that generates sound ideas which can be turned into working projects which effect positive change in our living communities. The ability to generate funding is already built into the core concept of enterprises such as Hive and now there is also CityCoin.
As you point out so often and so well, the mechanisms to make this happen are already here or coming very soon. And more importantly, we posses the power to make it happen. This is the true beauty of tokenized social networking (at least to my minds eye).
Thanks for another insightful and invaluable article.
Blessed be.
I think as we see more infrastructure built, the innovation in terms of funding will start to flow. We are still putting some of the basics in place.
You are right, there is a lot of potential even on Hive to do some tremendous things.
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