Excellent points to consider. I would like to offer a challenge for your skills as a futurist. Given what you present here, consider another evolutionary process occurring in the cryptosphere and let us know what you see coming. The evolution I am referring to is the underlying protocol for the various types of blockchain, that is to say Proof of Work for Bitcoin, Proof of Stake for Ethereum and now Proof of Exchange for the CityCoin chain. I would also like to offer the idea of a new addition to this list for consideration, Proof of Engagement (as a potential protocol for tribal tokens established by communities in Hive or similar systems; e.g. Pizza, Beer or Proof of Brain). I would surmise that what you very rightly suggest regarding DAO's is directly affected by this evolutionary process.
I for one would love to hear your views on this. Keep up the excellent work.
Blessed be.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very interesting outlook. I am not sure that is on the blockchain level although I guess Proof-of-Brain does kind of do that.
What this does show, as a proof-of-concept if you will, is that we can reward behavior. So it could really apply to Proof of Whatever Activity. For example, there could be tokenization for kids doing extra chores around the house, for walking (@actifit), or eating healthy.
If we step back off your idea and look bigger, we see that the scope of what you propose could be much bigger. Certainly a catchy title would help.
In the end, engagement is a subset of that and the tokens you mention aid in that effort.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for that. I really enjoy your perspective. As I told @tarazkp yesterday, I just set up a new community (LUAE - for Life, the Universe and Almost Everything) that I hope will become a CenterPoint for creating practical application projects that promote/enhance use cases for the positive change you and others showcase so well. The idea is to expand on the current capabilities of the Hive ecosystem to establish live video feeds in which the audience can participate in real time. This would give us a communications hub that will generate ideas that can be organized into working groups and projects (by recruiting the audience members who generate those ideas) and provide a source of crowdfunding to bootstrap projects.
My hope is that I can recruit current members such as yourself and @tarazkp to be the startup team for this project. This is what first drew me to join Hive. As you point out, the scope of potential here is staggering. My belief is that this project could accelerate the advancements you showcase so well by providing organization and coordination and using tokenomics to leverage crowdsourcing and crowdfunding.
Thanks again for your kind comments and for your insights.
Blessed be
Just let me know how I can help out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta