I like your thinking here. You make good points about getting the average person involved in order to grow the reach of the system. That in turn raises the power of the collective voice to shape the path into the future.
You also mentioned how 'we' have been making a mistake and you may be correct. I'm to new to the platform and cryptosphere in general to make a well informed judgement about that particular claim. However I would like to point out a different one that you exemplify in the second paragraph of this post. The manner in which the term success gets used. (please do not take this as a personal attack - 'we' have all done this for countless generations)
The way the term is used in that statement implies a 'universal' meaning or definition for success. My contention is that this is a far to common practice that actually contributes to greatly increase the difficulty for most average people to be successful. One of my reasons for joining the Hive community is to create my own opportunity to help others by teaching success from a philosophical perspective. A key factor in this process is helping others to understand why a personal definition is critical and the only definition of success that really matters for them. The socialized standard ideal of measuring success in terms of money is an anchor that holds the vast majority back. Another implied aspect of this view is that success is a 'destination' that one can arrive at. To my mind it is far better to see it as a description of the life one is able to live when self judged based only on ones own definition of success. In other words my ideas of success have no bearing and zero judgement value regarding your definition and life.
As I said you make some very good points and I suspect that it is exactly this kind of engagement that can create and sustain the 'hype' necessary for the system to grow and more people to discover the opportunities here.
Welcome to the platform.
Glad to see you here.
Keep engaging and you will achieve success. That is what this platform is about.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is very true and it's actually exactly what I mean as well. "We long for success" and "we want Hive to flourish". While people might have different opinions, ideas and approaches to get there, there is not a single active, contributing user on Hive who wants to see it fail. Everyone wants a bright future for Hive but a lot of people are not willing to put in the necessary time and effort that is required to do some of the things we actually know would push us towards new heights.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta