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RE: My thoughts about BitClout

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Oops I ran into another one of these messages. After using Bitclout I have come to the conclusion that HIVE is a lot better, I just wish the price of HIVE were more like $CLOUT I don't think I'm going to put that much investment into the bit clout platform to tell the truth, just gonna wait till HIVE hits $100! It doesn't seem right that this site just came out and their coin is already 100 bucks, sounds like a big rip off to me. Since I had so many errors I didn't invest yet, maybe that is what I'm getting errors, but I don't wanna pay money to post either?? hmm....

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You have to pay for each action, but it is a very tiny amount, even one cent will allow you to do a lot of actions.

Yeah unlike HIVE where you get paid for every action pretty much. I'm just spoiled here, I'll give it a chance, I heard there are better deals on the coin on the exchanges, and it is possible to cash in and out so it does seem legit. New learning curve there, still think hive is easier.

Arbitrage stabilized price off chain so they are all around same price now. Even 1 cent will last you a while and when people buy your token you get a portion (typically 10%) in $Clout.

I was just about to go pick up some bit clout up, but block trades is down? Just my luck, have you heard anything about what is going on with them, or have any idea when @blocktrades is coming back online, if at all?

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You can also go to

Oh wow, thanks!

Still down as I just saw ur comment now. Any update posts by them?

I did get an update from Julia saying that it was working, however I just checked and it is still looks down like you said? Weird.

I ended up using simple swap instead,, and it worked just fine! I needed to swap a little HIVE to bitclout for testing it out. I guess simple swap goes through binance, it was automated and very fast, so I liked that solution while block trades is away. Thanks for the reply!

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I don’t know to be honest.

Too bad there isn't a nice easy exchange hive to clout. I guess I may have to use some shady exchange intermediary? To tell the truth I don't even have an exchange that I haven't been kicked out of that I can use with hive right now. Maybe ionomy is the only one, I'll have to check that out!

Do a search for clout exchanges, there are a few. I believe there is a BTC one and ETH.