Hi fellow Hiveians,
Today I wanted to appreciate and enjoy the recap for my account for the year 2024!

Hive Recap Tool 2024
The recap for my Hive account surprised me!
I think it's always good to take a glance at some metrics. Metrics are certainly an important aspect of the world, the balance is that we need to make sure we don't focus too much time and energy on that. With some metrics, I do like to see if I can figure out what it was that I did, and I was pleasantly surprised with how 2024 went for me in terms of Hive!
I think one of the most surprising things to me was that I was able to claim 6.6k Hive Power throughout the year, that's nuts! I remember when my Hive Power itself was only 6.6k LOL that is a really wild thing to think about, earning that much in a year!
We did have a good year in terms of Hive price for those of us who like building.. I also was able to stack almost 3.3k Hive Power by selling my HBD and getting it into Hive so that I could make some serious moves in terms of gaining more HP. Having generated 9.9k Hive Power last year was not something I was expecting at all, and then add inflation ontop of that I increased my stake by 10k or more! I don't know exactly what the inflation number would be but I know it compounds fairly nicely the higher you go.
One of the things I noticed in my recap is that I also did decently well in terms of comments for the 12 months. There are certainly areas where I could be improving in that regard.. but having generated 3.6k comments, that's almost 10 comments a day averaged out over the year! Not bad! I would certainly like to increase that to maybe 5k comments so that I can have better engagement with people here on the chain, but I am pretty happy with having done an average of 10 a day. There are certainly many days that I would do more, and many I would do less so it works out in the end.
I've really liked the Hive Recap tool here, and when I'm done saving my HBD for my Leo premium account I will absolutely be giving them a few Hive for the wonderful tool!
I think this is one of the really awesome things about Hive - there are SO many tools out there. I don't know if we have a comprehensive list of all the gadgets and gizmos that we have available to us because there is always someone coming up with something else to do fun stuff like this. I am amazed, even though it seems pretty straight forward technologically. We don't have gigantic budgets and shit like that, so it's people who are good at doing this for their job, but also their hobby of helping improve and support Hive. That's one of the many reasons that I enjoy spending a lot of time on here - the vibe and people are so much better in a good way, not an arrogant way, than the traditional social sites. Keep it up peeps!
What about you, have you generated your Hive report for the year 2024? Were you surprised by it or upset? Let me know in the comments!

-CmplXty. Real human written content, never AI. All pictures are mine unless otherwise stated

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I made my Hive recap the other day, no where near as exciting as yours! 10 comments daily is some going, good luck hitting 5k over the next year! !SLOTH and steady does it! I seem to go through phases of commenting a bunch one day then nothing for days/weeks at a time. That's my goal for this year, increase my engagement rate with other Hiveians (also gives me more reason to avoid discord and telegram!)
It definitely helped that I have my own community that is more popular than I thought it would be. I tend to make most of my comments in there, when I'm done with perusing through my following feed!
I think that's also where I am able to benefit - I am almost never on Discord or Telegram. I don't have the time for that, and even if I did I would be on Hive more than I would be there!
Hopefully you can have a great year with engagement!
Sloth and steady wins the race. I've slowly been moving away from discord and telegram, ive been mods on various channels there for so long its nice to step back and get excited for the buzz around Hive. Especially recently, it feels Hive is in for a big 2025!