It’s hard to not have the tangible thing like a paycheck when you are doing extra things. It’s something we know we need to do but I guess we are so conditioned to see extra work as extra money being paid to us, but not money saves from spending. It’s strange for sure.
I think it’s important to be able to figure out how to do these things now that we are in the prime of our lives as far as working goes, so that we can try to work less later in life. I’ve certainly been enjoying going out more with my son but that is a double edge sword because I’m tired in the evenings so I don’t get to write posts on the weekends and keep my streak going guaranteed for a week of cushion in case I get sick. It’s the opportunity cost I suppose and I would much rather enjoy the quality time!
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There is an opportunity cost to all things unfortunately. However, quality time with kids is important, but so is the understanding of what that quality is. I know a few parents who spend a lot on having quality time with their kids, yet all their kids really need is for them to sit on the floor and play Lego with them. My daughter loves playing with her random toys and making up stories - and all we need to do, is join in.
Yeah for sure! My son loves when I just sit there and play Lego with him. He sat on the floor last night and helped me fold laundry for a while. It’s the small things that don’t need a lot except time together. It’s not the expensive trips to Disney that one of our friends takes with their daughter but yet tell her to go in her room and play on her iPad alone for a few hours. It’s crazy to not get down there and be active with them!
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