Here are 10 phrases to avoid in 2025:
I'll try. Trying is equivalent to failing. Commit fully or don’t start at all.
I can’t do it. By saying you can’t, you confirm it. Opt instead for "I will."
Here are 10 phrases to avoid in 2025:
I'll try. Trying is equivalent to failing. Commit fully or don’t start at all.
I can’t do it. By saying you can’t, you confirm it. Opt instead for "I will."
It’s impossible. The path to achieving the impossible starts with believing it’s possible.
I should... Need to... Have to... Such phrases dictate to yourself, fostering a negative mindset. Be your own ally, not a dictator.
I don’t have time enough. Every day has the same 24 hours. It’s about prioritizing how you use that time.
I need more [blank]. Whether it be time, money, or experience, recognize that these are perceptions, not facts.
I will do it tomorrow. Tomorrow never arrives for those who procrastinate.
I can do it myself. This mindset implies you aren’t a team player. Collaboration often leads to greater successes.
I know. Claiming to know it all can hinder your growth. There’s always more to learn.
I can’t change who I am. Change is possible if you believe you have the power to transform.
Follow Clint Murphy (@IAmClintMurphy) for more insights.