What would you do if there were no more rewards on Hive?

in LeoFinance6 months ago

Access to the Hive blog allows users to publish posts on the platform and obtain votes, the weight of which is determined by the Hive Power and the percentage of the curator's vote. Hive was born primarily as a blog so today it is known by new users as a possibility to obtain free rewards by writing quality posts. Obviously it is certainly not any kind of support from the curators but the probability of being voted sooner or later by a trail is probable.


So it happens that many users who enjoy a good reputation also earn tens of dollars, and this has changed for the better or is helping some people all over the world. And this is good for them and we are all happy.

Hive in recent years is literally transforming from a simple blog to a real container of services for users: gaming, nfts, defi, video, multichain, and much more. There has been discussion in the past, and perhaps still is, about starting to change the current rewards system a bit to reward more those who decide to invest in Hive Power rather than rewarding the authors with 50% of the rewards (going down to 30%/25% for example). The need for a change also arises from the great strides made by developers in terms of tools created that require $HIVE and also as a new vision that they want to give to those who decide to invest in the project.

In fact, some large investors may not be happy to develop projects or buy $HIVE knowing that users earn it for free and trade it on exchanges. I admit it's not really sex appeal.

Fewer rewards to distribute to authors and more incentives for those who hold Hive Power in the long term. Opinions could obviously be different. I grew up to orca status because I always increased my HP and never sold any tokens outside of Hive. But there are many users who continue to sell $HIVE obtained for free and all this is a bit unnerving for those who believe in the project.

What are your opinions?

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


(english English version below the Italian version)

Secondo me sarebbe un grave errore che andrebbe a snaturare completamente Hive, che deve il suo successo proprio alla possibilità per molti di cominciare a guadagnare senza investire denaro, se non sotto forma di impegno e tempo nel costruire qualcosa, attraverso la scrittura di contenuti.

Il successo di Hive è basato su questa filosofia e non sui "grandi investitori" che vedono in cattiva luce che gli Hive si possano ottenere gratis. Se vogliono si facciano un bel fork e si comprino il loro giocattolo. Tutto sommato cedere a questa loro visione sarebbe un ritornare indietro e rinnegare lo strappo avuto all'epoca di Justin Sun che portò alla nascita di Hive da Steem.

A me personalmente, anche se non ho mai venduto un singolo Hive, non ha mai dato neanche lontanamente fastidio l'idea che qualcuno invece dopo averli guadagnati se li venda. Sono soldi suoi, che ha guadagnato e ritengo sia giusto che sia libero di spenderli come vuole. Impedirlo, o cercare di limitarlo, è come quando uno Stato, per impedire ai suoi cittadini di preservare il valore del loro lavoro, comincia a porre barriere sui movimenti di denaro e controlli dei capitali. Un abominio in perfetta antitesi al concetto di crittovaluta e libertà.

In my opinion it would be a serious mistake that would completely distort Hive, which owes its success precisely to the possibility for many to start earning without investing money, except in the form of commitment and time in building something, through writing content.

Hive's success is based on this philosophy and not on "big investors" who see in a bad light that Hive can be obtained for free. If they want, they can have a nice fork and buy their toy. All in all, giving in to this vision of theirs would be going back and denying the break they had at the time of Justin Sun which led to the birth of Hive da Steem.

For me personally, even if I have never sold a single Hive, the idea that someone after having earned them sells them has never bothered me even remotely. It's his money, which he earned and I think it's right that he is free to spend it as he wants. Preventing it, or trying to limit it, is like when a State, to prevent its citizens from preserving the value of their work, begins to place barriers on the movement of money and capital controls. An abomination in perfect antithesis to the concept of cryptocurrency and freedom.


Considera che non si parla di fermare le rewards, ma di ridurne la percentuale. Gli utenti riceverebbero sempre ricompense ma non come ora, ossia al 50%. Ma capisco perfettamente il tuo punto di vista

I've gone out of hive quite a lot lately and I have to say that what makes Hive stand apart from most other projects is exactly the blogging aspect of it. It's in my opinion what allows a community to evolve and to strive. If this was not rewarded anymore, then hive would be just one of many other defi projects out there. Hive is one of the only places where you can actually earn money not for holding coins but for the content that you create. Hive needs the blogging aspect in my opinion otherwise it wouldn't be hive anymore :-)

If we lament that people sell the tokens that they earned on hive for creating content, I think it wouldn't be different that when stake holders sell theirs for the interests that they get. Both come out of the same reward pot...

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What I would like to say here is that the people who invest here are definitely important, but the people who work here day and night to create special content, comment and give their whole day if they can. If they are earning some dollars, they are also earning by working hard. I work here day and night. I put one daily special post and I also make hundred comments daily, so it takes all day and months later. Mine makes $70.

No more rewards and no transactions fees? Than without exponential growth, I don't see how Hive price can improve. Can you?

That's great for long-term holders of $HIVE. I also see many just after for small quick gains, but I can't fault them; that's their choice. If Hive grows as we expect, I think that's the time they will realize that the long-term approach is a better way.

In my short time in Hive I have seen this but earning by producing content is probably the second major attraction after almost no fees, Hive could turn into a massive database with lots of interaction to train AI, there is lots of value on that, taking out rewards would probably let to ppl go away, I could see reward moving into L2 like it has happen on other projects like ETH but Hive is still far from that kind of growth, impossible no, an option to implement in a few years yes ✌️

Kill myself

Without the rewards for creating content here, hive will loose a major portion of the users I think. Only investors will remain here. That wouldn't be the hive we want to see!
