... people thinking about their deathbed thoughts are more concerned with how they will be remembered, rather than how they actually lived... people are curating their life to appease the expectations of others.
Now that I had not thought of. Interesting, indeed. So very true. Focus on living that good and useful and worthwhile life, not on what praise people may offer when we're gone.
Thanks for your encouragement! I had to reply the way I did; I don't know how else to. I think a lot about how I've spent, and not spent, my time on this earth. Time goes by so quickly. Part of why I've posted so infrequently is becuase I've been careful not to share what's really on my mind. This is a public space, and a permanent one, unlike most others. Although I'm not yet "dancing like no one's watching," I'm slowly getting more comfortable sharing the personal side. I went further out on the limb today: https://leofinance.io/@clarkeveretts/all-the-alts-are-down It was hard to hit the "Publish" button.
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